Chapter 47

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Skip a couple of days. The day after Valentine's day you and Josh hung out all day watching movies. It's now Monday and you have to go back to school. Josh wanted to stay with you again last night since no one is home at your house and he doesn't like you staying alone but his mom wanted home home. You wake up and do your morning routine.

You wear this:

You wear this:

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You go downstairs and eat breakfast while waiting for Josh to pick you up

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You go downstairs and eat breakfast while waiting for Josh to pick you up. After a couple minutes you get a text from Josh that he's here so you grab your backpack and go outside to see him leaning against his car.

Y/n: morning Joshy

Josh looks up from his phone and smiles at you.

Josh: morning beautiful

You smile and give him a peck on the lips.

Y/n: are we bringing Charli and Chase or is it just us two today?
Josh: just us two, Chase is bringing Char
Y/n: cool then let's go

You both get into the car and Josh starts driving to school.

Y/n: i'm going to talk to Jaden today

Josh looks at you for a second before bringing his eyes back on the road.

Josh: you are?
Y/n: yeah and i'm not leaving until he gives me an answer to why he's mad at me
Josh: well good, you two are too good of friends to be fighting for this long
Y/n: according to Jaden we aren't friends
Josh: he just said that out of anger, you know he would never really just drop your friendship
Y/n: yeah I guess you're right

The rest of the way to school you two fall into a comfortable silence. Once you get to school you and Josh walk into the building, Josh's hand intertwined with yours. You walk over to your friends, you two being the last ones to arrive.

Y/n: heyyy!!
Mads: how are you always the last ones here
Josh: because she takes forever
Y/n: that is not true, I come out of the house right away when you text me that you're here
Josh: you know maybe i'm just impatient
Charli: yeah you can't even wait two minutes

Josh rolls his eyes playfully.

Josh: thanks for the input Char
Charli: no problem
Josh: I was being sarcastic
Charli: I know
Cynthia: ok, calm down you children

You all laugh but Jaden who is just being quiet and avoiding your eye contact like he has been for weeks.

Quinton: I got to say i'm surprised you're wearing sweats y/n
Y/n: yeah I was in the mood for something comfortable, that a problem
Quinton: n-no not at all
Y/n: good

Josh starts laughing.

Josh: aww look who's scared of his best friend
Quinton: what can I say she's scary
Y/n: awww thank you

Just then the bell rings. You grab Charli's hand and pull her away form the group with Chase walking right behind you two.

Charli: oh by the way, you never told me about your date with Josh the other day
Y/n: same with you, I need to know how your date went

You turn to look at Chase who is walking next to Charli who is walking next to you.

Y/n: you did give her a great valentine's day, right?
Chase: y-yes
Y/n: good, otherwise I would have to punch you
Chase: Quinton's right you are scary sometimes
Y/n: I know

You get to your class and Chase gives Charli a goodbye kiss before ruffling up your hair then leaving.

Y/n: Char! he messed up my hair again!
Charli: you're fine now let's go

She grabs your hand and pulls you into the classroom. The rest of the day goes by pretty slowly and it's finally time to go home. You and Josh get into his car and start driving home. The car ride is pretty silent because you're nervous about taking with Jaden later. Josh must of noticed because once he parked the car in his driveway, he turned around to you.

Josh: everything is going to be ok
Y/n: yeah yeah you're right, he's my best friend I can do this
Josh: good luck
Y/n: thanks

He gives you a quick peck on the lips before you both get out of the car and go your separate ways. You get into your house and go to the bathroom real quick before going out to your car and making your way to Jadens house. Once you get to Jadens house you get out of your car and knock in the door. A couple seconds later he answers the door.

Y/n: we need to talk

You walk right into his house before he could say anything.

Jaden: what do we need to talk about?
Y/n: oh don't play dumb with me, why the fuck are you so mad at me?!
Jaden: you really want to know?
Y/n: yes Jaden! I really want to know!!
Jaden: I know you're keeping something from me
Y/n: what are you talking about?
Jaden: don't pretend like you don't know
Y/n: I really don't know
Jaden: you, Charli, and Chase are always sharing looks at each other and then all three of you will just leave by making up some lie
Y/n: I-I don't know what you're talking about
Jaden: yeah you do, I know you do
Y/n: I-I have to go

Tears are threatening to come out of your eyes by now. You start walking towards the door.

Jaden: yeah go, go run to your new best friend Chase

You freeze and turn around.

Y/n: what?
Jaden: you heard me! now just go and leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you right now or ever for that matter

You turn around and run out of the house. By now tears are streaming down your face. You get into your car and drive home. Once you get home you go up to your room and just let it all out. After a few minutes you calm down. You get up from your bed and put on some dance clothes. You go out to your car and drive to the dance studio. Once you get there you just dance and dance and dance until you can't feel anything anymore. You drop to the floor and just think. You think about how your best friend is mad at you and thinks you're keeping something from him, which you are. You just aren't ready to tell anyone besides Charli and Chase who already know. Josh doesn't even know yet. After a few minutes you get up off the floor and head out to your car. You drive home and head inside. You walk into the kitchen to get something to eat. You get a text from Josh.

Josh: how did your talk with Jaden go?
Y/n: not good
Josh: i'm sorry about that, do you want me to talk to him? ik you told me no last time I asked you but just know I will talk to him if you want me to
Y/n: it's fine, i'm really tired so i'm going to go to bed
Josh: ok, i'll see you tomorrow
Y/n: night, love you
Josh: goodnight, love you too
End of texts

After you finish eating your mac and cheese, you go upstairs and take a long shower. When you're done you do your night routine and get into bed. You fall asleep right away, just wanting this day to be over and to not think about your fight with Jaden.

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