Chapter 27

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Y/n: well yesterday when I went over to Josh's after the fight with my parents we watched a movie and um after the movie we were talking and I saw him looking at me so I asked why was he looking at me and he said because I'm beautiful-
Charli: awww that's so cute!!
Y/n: yeah I'm not done yet
Charli: oh no what happened
Y/n: well after that we started to make-out and it got um...heated
Charli: OH MY GOD!!
Y/n: yeah um don't get too excited
Charli: oh no
Y/n: right before anything else happened we heard the front door open and we pulled away. it was his mom
Charli: she catch you guys?
Y/n: no, but that's not the point
Charli: ok, then what is the point?
Y/n: what if she never came in? what if things went further? what if-
Charli: y/n!
Y/n: yeah
Charli: calm down

You take a deep breath in and out.

Charli: do you think you are if things did go farther?
Y/n:'m not ready...I mean like he doesn't even know that I'm a virgin, he thinks I've had sex with both Jackson and Nick
Charli: are you ever going to tell him?
Y/n: I know I'm going to have to tell him eventually but I'm just not ready. what if he breaks up with me?
Charli: he's not going to breakup with you over a silly little thing like finding out your a virgin
Y/n: yeah and how do you know that?
Charli: because he loves you
Y/n: yeah well Nick said he loved me too and not even two weeks after I told him I'm a virgin he cheated on me
Charli: Josh is different and you know that
Y/n: yeah I know. he tried later that night too but I made an excuse saying we can't do anything because his parents are home
Charli: did he back off?
Y/n: yeah
Charli: none of the boys know right?
Y/n: nope and it's staying that way because they will just make fun of me
Charli: do you really think they will?
Y/n: yes I do. the only people that know are you, Mads, Cynthia and sadly Nick
Charli: when did you tell Cynthia?
Y/n: the night of my birthday party
Charli: oh. Jackson doesn't know either right?
Y/n: nope, when we were dating he was convinced I did it with one of the boys in our group even though I kept telling him I didn't
Charli: oh yeah I remember you telling me that
Y/n: yeah
Charli: I never asked you this...but why does Josh think you had sex with both Jackson and Nick?
Y/n: well...I may have told him that I did
Charli: WHAT?! I thought he just assumed
Y/n: well I kind of told him
Charli: what do you mean by that?
Y/n: well he asked me once if I did and I just told him "maybe I did maybe I didn't'' which leads him to believe I did
Charli: he's going to be so pissed when he finds out
Y/n: yeah that's another reason why I don't want to tell him
Charli: just tell him when you're ready and if you tell him the reasons for why you never told him he will understand
Y/n: yeah, thanks Char
Charli: of course

She gave you a big hug and you guys stayed like that for a couple of minutes.

Charli: now on to something else
Y/n: what?
Charli: you got Starbucks and not dunkin!! I don't think we can be friends anymore
Y/n: oh well

You both burst out laughing.

Charli: let's do TikToks!!
Y/n: sure

You both make some TikToks and then when you're done you guys just talk about random things. After a while there is a knock on Charli's door.

Charli: come in!
Heidi: hey girls, dinner is ready. Y/n you want to stay for dinner?
Y/n: umm not it's ok I don't want to intrude
Charli: you won't be intruding come on...we're having Mac and cheese
Y/n: ok maybe I will stay
Heidi: great!

You guys go downstairs and eat dinner. After dinner is over you and Charli go back upstairs to her room.

Charli: you want to sleepover tonight?
Y/n: it's a school night
Charli: I know but I'm not letting you go back to your house with your parents there. I mean have you seen the slap mark on your face it's still there. I'm surprised my parents didn't say anything about it
Y/n: that's because I was covering it with my hair and it's only one slap I'm fine
Charli: I can see right through you. I know that when your mom slapped you it terrified you
Y/n: ok fine! yes! yes it did terrify...I just didn't want to admit it
Charli: why?
Y/n: because it's embarrassing that I'm scared of my own's embarrassing that I let my parents push me around and talk shit about me...that's why I don't want to admit it

By now you are crying.

Charli: don't cry

She gives you a hug.

Y/n: I'm surprised I still have tears left after these past two days

You laugh a little and Charli laughs with you.

Charli: I'm going to ask my mom if you can sleepover, I'll be right back

You nod and she goes downstairs to ask her mom. A couple minutes later she comes back up with a smile on her face.

Charli: my mom said it's fine
Y/n: cool, what do you want to do?
Charli: let's watch a movie
Y/n: ok

You and Charli watch a couple of movies in her room and then do your night routines and then go to bed.

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