Chapter 57

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Back at the house the boys decided to stay at you house and just play video games until you guys got back.

Josh: YESSS!!
Jaden: you cheated!!
Josh: no I didn't
Jaden: yes you did
Josh: no I didn't!
Quinton: can you guys-
Jaden: yes you did
Chase: guys can we-
Josh: no I didn't
Quinton: where are the girls when you need them

Just then Josh's phone rang.

Jaden: yes you-
Josh: shh it's Char

He puts the phone to his ear and within seconds his smile drops. He hangs up and looks at the boys.

Josh: y/n's in the hospital we have to go
Jaden: wait why
Josh: I don't know but Char said it's urgent let's go

The boys are standing there in shock not knowing what to do.

Josh: guys we have to go!!
Jaden: right right my car is still here so we'll take that
Josh: i'm driving

He takes the keys from Jaden and runs out to the car. The boys follow after him with Jaden sitting in the front and Quinton in the back with Chase. Josh starts speeding to the hospital.

Quinton: I know you want to make sure y/n is ok but don't kill us in the process!!!
Chase: we're going to die!

Josh just ignores them and continues speeding to the hospital. When they get to the hospital the boys all rush inside. Josh rushes right up to Charli when he sees her and the girls sitting down with tears in their eyes. Chase runs right up to Charli and Jaden and Quinton both run up to Mads and Cynthia.

Josh: what happened?
Charli: sh-she g-got

Chase hugs Charli trying to calm her down.

Chase: it's ok breath

She takes a deep breath in and out before continuing.

Charli: she um
Josh: she um what Char?!
Quinton: ok dude you need to calm down
Charli: she um got sh-shot

All the boys mouths drop open.

Jaden: w-what?
Chase: how?
Mads: we were um at the mall looking for dresses and all of the sudden we heard screaming and then heard gunshots, we all ran in different directions. and then the shooter found her and shot her
Josh: where is she?
Cynthia: she's in surgery
Josh: surgery!!
Charli: y-yeah
Jaden: does Bryce know
Charli: yeah I called him

Josh runs out of the hospital and sits down on a bench right outside. He puts his head in his hands. A couple minutes later Jaden comes out and sits down next to him.

Jaden: hey

Josh looks up with tears in his eyes.

Josh: what if she doesn't make it?
Jaden: she will
Josh: but what if she doesn't?
Jaden: she's strong she'll make it
Josh: I-I can't lose her

Jaden sighs.

Jaden: she is going to make it
Josh: yeah yeah you're right she is gong to make it...I hope

Just then Charli comes running out.

Charli: y/n's out of surgery and the doctor wants to talk to you

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