𝖥𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝖤𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

Start from the beginning

"The Ducks look tired." Andrea mutters right as the announcer says something about the ducks not being able to hold on for much longer.

That's when Dwayne somehow gets the puck and they make their way to the varsity side.

That's when Charlie got the puck and tried to shoot only for it to be saved by Scooter.

By the time period three started the whole soccer team could tell that both varsity and the Ducks were tired.

"Oh look your man is down." Reave says pointing at Adam who slightly slid due basically doing a flips over a varsity player.

"Shut up." Mikaela mumbles while she pays attention to the game.

"And he's down again." Reave says with a laugh as Mikaela elbows her in the ribs.

"It's hockey, what do you expect?" Mikaela mutters trying to hold in her laugh.

"Mikaela I think you should learn a new way to handle things when you're like nervous or sad or when something ad happens laughing is kinda bad." Reave says knowing the girl is about to laugh at Adam getting hurt.

"Yah probably but i'm fine." Mikaela says, turning her attention back to the game.

"Oh no, is Ed Sheeran not going to be able to sing anymore." Caitlin says fake pouting, making everyone gasp.

After Caitlin says that no one sees the glare Reave gives to the girl.

That's when someone on the varsity team rams into Guy making everyone stand up and gasp.

While none of the refs call anything the Ducks coach starts to yell at him while the Sucks crowd around him only for the medics to push them away.

"I'm gonna beat up Cole with my fucking crutches." Mikaela says as she sees Andrea make her way down to the glass to get a better look.

"I'm ok, I can skate." Guy mumbles softly as he sees the distress look on Andreas face.

Still holding onto his arm one of the refs and medics help him skate off the rink Andrea waiting by where the rink opens up.

"Guy are you ok?" Andrea says as she takes where the ref was and helps Guy.

"I'll be fine, it's hockey." Guy says as they make their way to the nurse room to be checked up.

"Don't be stressed out about me, you should be worrying about your game." Guy says as they hear the buzzer meaning the end of second period is done.

"Is your team going to be back to watch the third period?" Guy says as he gets the clear to head to the locker room for the meeting.

"I don't see why we wouldn't. It's overtime we probably won't be able to watch.'' Andrea says as Guy gives her a kiss on the cheek before he heads into the locker room and Andrea heads back to the stands.

"Oh look, here comes the Ducks! Hey, wait a second. isn't that Dean Portman?" The announcer says as the soccer team gasps.

"They might be able to get somewhere.'' Andrea says with a smile as everyone leans into their seats to get a better look.

"The bash brothers are back." Stephani and Caitlin say looking at each other with a huge smile.

As the third period starts varsity gets the puck only for Cole to make his way to Dean.

Bending down, Cole flips over Dean and hits the glass making him fall onto the crowd.

"That's what you get you better watch your ass tho cause I'm still gonna beat you with my crutches." Mikaela shouts, making Adam smile slightly at how she has no filter.

While the bash brothers keep ramming into the varsity team everyone in the crowd starts to get more hyped due to there being more action.

With two minutes left of the game Dean gets a penalty making everyone boo in protest.

Getting into the box dean starts to strip and yell making everyone else get more excited for the outcome of the game.

Getting shouted out for there being too many men on the ice they send Kenny into the box with Dean making Caitlin shout in protest.

As the ducks start a team talk the soccer team starts to try and calm Caitlin down.

"You can't do anything about it. He's a bash bro you should expect this.'' Jessie says as Caitlin just nods and makes eye contact with Kenny.

That's when Goldberg tries to get the puck only to slide out of the net making it an open goal.

Rick, noticing it, decides to shoot and score only for Adam to jump in front of the net and stop it.

As Charlie gets the puck he makes his way towards the goal somehow being able to doge all the varsity players he fake shoots and passes it to Goldburg.

Noticing Goldberg freaking out everyone starts to yell at him making him freak out even more and shoots only to make it.

As everyone starts to cheer, the soccer team starts to make their way down the bleachers still watching everyone celebrate.

That's when Stephani takes notice of Luis kissing mindy everyone else noticing.

The team watches as Stephani's heart was breaking into pieces.

"Hey fuck Luis go fuck his mom lets show him what he's missing." Mikaela says as Stephani just nods slightly trying to hold back her tears.

"Pretend the ball is Luis' face. I do that when I'm mad at someone." Andrea says as they all slowly walk out of the arena and head to the field.

What none of the soccer team noticed was Luis pushing the blonde girl off of him and cussing her out before he frantically looked around trying to spot Stephani to explain things to her only to see they already left to the field.

"Oh god I hope she didn't see that." Luis mumbles as he skates back to the group who saw everything happen.

"Hey talk to her after the game she'll understand and we all witnessed it so she should believe you." Charlie says, patting the worried boys back.

"Yah your right let's go get ready for their game.'' Luis says feeling somewhat better as they make their way to the locker room.

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