Chapter 11

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(you've been working there for five months - one week after the noodle chapter).


You walked into Waylon's room slash his little apartment. You didn't bother to knock, since it was a bit open anyways.

As you walked in, you noticed him sitting at a table, writing something to his laptop. As soon as you noticed you, he quickly closed the laptop like he had watched porn or something. But you knew he wasn't doing anything like that. It caught your attention that what he was hiding. What was so bad that he needed to hide it from you - from his best friend.

"What the heck is going on??? Open your laptop or you'll cry and open it"

You walked next to him, almost slamming the note against his table. He took it and read it. Waylon was staring at it for a good while, trying to decide what to do next and whether to look at you or not.

"That's...that's not a good idea..." was the only answer Waylon gave, which wasn't very calming or an answer that anyone would hope to hear.

"What on earth are you hiding??? I'm getting very concerned..."

Waylon dared to look at you and shook his head carefully, this dead serious expression on your face.

"The less you know...the better," you had gotten enough of his concerning answers. You rolled your eyes and placed your hand on his laptop pretty violently. You opened his laptop and saw...which looked like an email.


FROM: 10260110756 (anonymous)

You don't know me. Have to make this quick. They might be monitoring.

I've been working as a software engineer and I've done...about five months of software consult at MURKOFF Psychiatric Systems' facilities in Mount Massive. I'm breaking all sorts of NDA's right now, but fuck those guys.

Terrible things are happening here. I don't understand it and I don't even believe what I've seen with my own eyes. People are getting hurt and MURKOFF is making money.

It needs to be exposed.


You stared at the text in horror, until you looked back at Waylon. You shook your head, being scared for your dear friend's life.

"You can't do that!"

"I know I can't, but I have to. I have to do it for your sake and for everyone's sake..." Waylon sounded desperate as probably anyone in that situation. You felt his pain and you wanted to get out as well, but you knew that sending the email would be a suicide.

"You don't understand! You will get hurt. They will probably kill you and I don't want that to happen.. I don't give a hoot about myself! I just want you to be fine"

Waylon looked at the note for a while, until he buried himself, covering his face with his hands. He let out pretty desperate and frustrate sounding groan.

"I do care about you"

You tapped Waylon on his shoulder to get him to read the note. He took a deep breath and looked at you and the email.

"This would be our chance to get out..." Waylon said as he grabbed you by your hand and held it in his hands.

"Getting out would damn sure be nice, what cost? Now...I wouldn't want to risk anything,"

You shook your head, trying to convince Waylon to not to do it. He sighed and closed his laptop.

"Fine... I won't do it," you smiled as you heard that relieving response coming from his mouth.

"Did he really listen to me? The first time ever,"

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