Chapter 3

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"Are you really going to make me guess your name? I mean...I would like to know the...only non-murderous person in this damn building," Miles whispered, looking around being aware of his surroundings.

"I'm flattered to hear that I'm the only person without any murderous plans that he has met so far,"

You turned to him and put your finger on front of your lip, as telling him to be quiet and not to attract any variants after the two of them.

You had started to use the term "variant" as you heard the staff members calling specific group of patients with that name. They're strongly mutilated, quite strong and murderous that kill everyone out of their way - just like Chris Walker.

You took the last two steps, before you opened one door and locked it behind the two of you. You walked towards a desk, taking a pencil and a piece of paper.

"I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you Miles. I can't speak - I communicate differently. I'm sorry if I seemed odd by doing that "silent treatment". I'm not here to hurt you. I'm looking for my friend, Waylon Park. I doubt you've seen him tho. He's a sane one - you'd probably remember him from all the patients that have probably tried to kill you. Let's be friends. I need a friend here. Can you tell why you are here? You don't seem like you belong here and I would remember that pretty face of yours, if I had seen you among the staff,"

You gave the piece of paper to Miles to read. He seemed to understand and all of a sudden - he seemed to be much calmer than what he was.

"(Y/n)? That's a nice name. I doubt I've seen your bud, but...I'm sure we will find him," Miles smiled, putting the paper down.

"I'm a journalist. Someone sent me an email to expose this...shitty place. Now I think about it, I should've brought the FBI with me," you gave him a little chuckle about the thought him storming in with FBI.

"Waylon did write that email. He really wanted to expose this place, although I told him not to,"

Miles looked at the paper for a while. Clearly he had finished reading ages ago. After a literal minute, he looked at you, opening his mouth to say something.

"...I hope the poor bastard is fine. By the way... why did you tell him not to do so? Wouldn't it be great expose this?" Miles asked, but you shook your head.

"I knew he would get in trouble. This place is secure as hell. Probably more secure than Area 51 itself. They were watching our every move, but the dumbass wanted to risk it,"

"I guess you're right," he said, trying to understand.

", you worked here before and're a patient? What did you do? I mean, what was your part there?" Miles kept asking, but you were fine with it. If you died and Miles got away... at least he would know your story and get it right.

"I was working with 'Murkoff Corporation'. The company is behind...well, all of this. They offered me millions, but when I asked what I needed to do, they refused to tell. I was desperate tho, so I took the job. I had to clean their mess after... failed experiments, which was mainly done by Mr. Wernicke. Waylon, my friend, was a software engineer there. I got to know him and he was my only friend. We really needed each other, since Murkoff kept us from keeping in contact with our families and friends. They wanted to make sure that nothing would be leaked. But then...Waylon sent the email and after that I was taken away. I guess they didn't trust me, because how close I'm with him. I don't know what happened to Waylon, but I'm sure he got the same faith than I did. Why kill someone, when you can get a new person to be your lab rat?"

"Whoa...this is...I'm sorry to hear that. I know this is not right to ask, but if you don't mind...can I keep this?" You just nodded your head and kept your thumbs up.

"...where we'll head now? This place is enormous, so...where to even look for Waylon?" Miles had a pretty good point there. The chances to find Waylon soon and fast enough were pretty slim. But you wanted to hope for the best and you were not giving up.

"I don't know, but let's follow each other, okay?"

"Sounds good. And don't throw me under the bus, ok??" Miles asked, but you weren't sure whether he was joking or meant it.

"Let's each other,"

Miles nod his head as an agreement as soon as he had finished reading the note. You were about to unlock the door, but before you got to do that, you felt Miles' arm on your shoulder, which made you to turn around.

"If you need or... just so you know, I've got plenty of pages in my notepad to write stuff, so...feel free to use that whenever you want," you smiled at his response. It was nice knowing that he understood the situation and was offering his help.

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