Chapter 7

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Present time...

"You would probably think I'm crazy to come here. I mean, your friend told me that this place is horrible, yet I arrived to expose this shit hole. I just needed the money and I can admit that I'm greedy," Miles told you, although it was pretty obvious that he was after the money. No sane person would come here without any motive - and what's a better motive than money?

"Sounds familiar... I came here for the money as well. It's coincidence that we are now a team,"

You shook your head as an answer. You also pointed Miles' heart with your finger and put your thumbs up to tell him that he has got a big, smart heart after all.

"No... you've got a good heart. You've helped me along the way," Miles said as he opened a door, which led to an empty looking room. It had a bed and a desk in it, but thankfully not anyone there.

You walked closer the desk and noticed a file, which you read out of curiosity.


by Richard Trager.

This patient also, unfortunately, didn't make it. I tried my best, but I'm just a doctor, not a miracle-worker. And I'm pretty new to this whole "doctor" thing, so I'm still working out all the kinks.

[ noticed that someone had messed with the text, so you couldn't get any sense of it]

AND I've been figuring out a lot about biology. I was on the fence about it before, but now I can't live without his kidneys. You learn something new everyday.


"What did you find?" you gave Miles the file to read. He seemed to be surprised and grossed out.

"At least we're safe for now..."

"This is sick. This whole place is sick,"

"...we're in an asylum - what did you expect??? :D"

Miles read the note you wrote and took a deep breath, with a little chuckle. He noticed the irony.

"Alright... let's go," Miles said as the two of you headed back in the hallway. You had just taken your first step out of the room, when you noticed three patients in the hallway. Of course they saw you and of course they went after you.

You didn't waste any given minute. You started run for your life, but when it was time to make a quick decision - where to go - you were lost. Miles went to the left side and you went to the right side.

"Aw heck... if they are after me, at least Miles has now better chances to survive. If they are after him, I'm safe. ...unless I bump into Chris frickin' Walker..."

You ran. You didn't look behind, since that's the worst mistake ever you could do. It would only be your luck that you indeed bumped into Chris, while looking back if anyone was following you. You could only hear one running steps, though. But you couldn't be for 100% sure.

"No...not now! My batteries can't die now,"

Your eyes were as wide as a plate. Not due to drugs, but because you were running in a dark hallway with the possibility of three, murderous, patients running after you with baseball bats and your only light source, the night vision in your camera, was about to be gone.

You stormed into one room, slamming the door behind you. You crawled under a bed and stayed there for a while, catching your breath. You realised that the patients were either after Miles or they had lost their interest a good while ago, because no one came after you. You couldn't hear steps, you couldn't hear shit. No one stormed into the room where you were. It was pretty safe to come out from your hiding spot. You looked around the room a bit and you managed to find two batteries on a desk. You put one in the camera and saved one for later.

As you had just changed the battery, you felt something heavy hitting the back of your head. You felt beaming pain and the world around you started to get dizzy. You didn't get to react, when you already were on the cold, dusty floor.

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