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"You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget." - Cormac McCarthy's The Road

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It had been a few days since Cassiopeia arrived home for Yule.

It was the 24th of December when she awoke to her father yelling at what she hoped was a house elf.

She had told Lucius about the incident with Dobby and he had promised to see his punishment through.

The girl scowled thinking about it. These elves were lucky to work for families as pure as the Malfoys. That Dobby elf had always been a disobedient creature. She took her time getting ready.

"Blimey! Look at the time!" She heard Draco say.

She decided to step out of her room at that moment to scold her brother.

"Draco, you mustn't use that word. It's not a word for purebloods." She said,

"Good morning to you too, sister." He grumbled.

She chuckled.

Together, they walked to the library for breakfast. They had been told the prior night that the main dining room was being prepared for the celebration.

On the large, mahogany table in the center of the room, platters of food were set out. Draco let Cassiopeia walk through the door and she could tell that her parents had stopped a conversation.

Narcissa's eyes were slightly red and Lucius seemed agitated.

Cassiopeia started to wonder what had gone on.

"Good morning, children." Lucius greeted.

"Good morning, Father." They replied.

Her mother had her head down.

"Have a seat." Her mother prompted.

Cassiopeia sat next to her mother and Draco sat opposite her.

Without further conversation they began to dine.


Narcissa crept out of bed early. She hadn't gotten much rest, between the nightmares and the things that Cassie was saying.

She always had trouble sleeping. Her nights were filled with the screams of her sisters, her cousins, her husband, her children.

Of course it didn't help that Cassie had begun to talk in the night. She could be heard saying things that made Narcissa's heart pound out of her chest.

"He will rise." Cassiopeia would repeat continuously.

"The servant shall follow the master. They will do whatever it takes." Cassiopeia would say.

"In the end, the heirs will battle. Ignotus and Cadmus shall quarrel once more."

After she had finished this mantra, she would scream.

Narcissa would wonder if she was a seer of sorts. That couldn't be possible, though. Seer's prophecies were told during the day.

Sometimes she would make a hissing sound. Was she a parselmouth? Neither Sirius nor Marlene were parselmouths and Narcissa didn't believe that there were any parselmouths in the last few generations of either family.. Then again, did it have to be hereditary?

The thoughts raced through Narcissa's head as she walked through the halls of the Manor.

She ended up in the library.

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