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"Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot." - Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's

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Sirius had been in Azkaban for almost nine years.

"Happy Birthday, dear Cassie." He whispered.

Bellatrix cackled.

"I'm innocent." He said.

"I'm innocent." He said.

Bellatrix laughed again.

"I'm innocent." He said.

"The rat did it." He said.

Bella laughed once more.

"I didn't kill Prongs." He said.

"I didn't kill Lilyflower." He said.

Bella laughed.

"I didn't kill Marlene." He said.

"I'll get out." He said.

"I'll find Harry." He said.

Bella laughed again, he couldn't count the number of times she had done it for.

"I'll find Cassie." He said.

"My Cassie."

"Marlene's Cassie."

"I promised Cassie."

"Happy Birthday, Cassie." He said.

Bella laughed once more.

A dementor flew by.

Sirius Orion Black thought of happy memories.

His Cassie. Marlene's Cassie.

Bella cackled.

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