getting to know the family

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No one's pov

Killer was smart, he understood that these people were rich as fuck. They had so many servants, not to mention the tree mansion that they live in.not to mention the garden.

Let's just say this "apple family " had their shit together, they had gaurds and extra security. Meaning they have a gaurd in every room, except in bedrooms. And they have a giant lake and seller.

Killer had never experienced this type of stuff, well duh he wasn't used to being a slave. But he's never seen such a big place, the castle was just massive.

Nightmares pov

I really don't know how to feel about this. They got him so he could look after me I guess, they just kinda said "hey nightmare do you want someone to clean things for you?"

I didn't know how to feel about it, I said no at first. But they kinda inforced it, I didn't really have a choice. But the slave they got is kinda cute, I want to see what is behind that blindfold.

My mother started to say something to dream and I kinda just sat and listened. I believe they were talking about getting him a new present, they never got me anything for my birthday.

I understand I'm 2 minutes older, but dream and I are still twins, my family likes to let me be by myself, wich I don't complain about, but you really never know whith them.

We finaly arrived at the castle, I looked back at the slave and his mouth dropped, I guess he's never seen this place before.

No one's POV

"OK now dear, nightmare will guide you to you're room. Thare is clothing on you're bed, when you're done join us in the garden."the queen said to killer, killer only nodded his head yes in response.

Killer followed nightmare down to the seller part of the castle, it was cold down their he pointed to his room.

"I really do suggest you don't complain about the outfit they give you, I understand you're a male, but don't be surprised if they gave you a female outfit."

Killer looked at him and nodded again, he walked in......

Ha, here is a post because I can post this weekend, yall have a good day :)

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