preference four! what you do for fun.

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  if she has a project coming up, you
usually help her with her lines.

  you love playing with her hair because of how
soft it is so you'll end up braiding it
when you're bored.

  you guys like to stay out late so you'll go for
walks at like 2 am to just enjoy the cold
breeze and stars.

  she loves listening to you talk about
what you like so she'll usually ask you about
stuff you're into.

  you both love to read together, whether it's you
reading to her or her reading to you,
although she prefers you because she loves
your voice so much.


  she loves, and i mean loves to teach
you how to skateboard even if you know already,
she loves using that as an excuse to
hold your waist and guide you.

  you both love taking eleven away from
mike and enjoy her all to yourselves like going
shopping or messing around with the guys.

  if no one can find you guys, you'll usually
be under this tree you both discovered
during the summer, you laying between her legs
as she plays with your hair.

  max loves to show you her comic collection
and you love comics yourself so you
actually love to read them together since you don't
own any of your own.

  as much as you guys hate to admit it to anyone
at all, if you're bored, sometimes you'll end
up making out in your bedroom which doesn't happen
very often with everything going on.


  you and her both pull pranks on the
sunnyvalers, especially sheila because you both
share a mutual hatred for her.

  sometimes you'll go bother cindy together
when she's trying to get everything ready
for certain activities.

  ziggy loves being alone with you which
is hard since a lot of people always
bother you two.

  sometimes you both go to the tree where sarah
fier was hung and share your own theories
about the entire curse since you're both very
open-minded when it came to it.

  sometimes you'll make bracelets with her
and you both surprise each other with a new one
almost everyday since supplies never
run out at camp.


ok, hi. im being active as much as i can.
also i kinda removed haley from this bc
i barely remember that movie.
i hope no one minds but ig if you want
one of her, i can try my best since
i can never come up with much ideas for her.
ilysm. bye. :)

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