Mew gently holds the younger's chin to make the latter look at him. "I know it's all because of our child. Don't hold back. That's how we can keep the baby safe and healthy. Let's spoil our angel, shall we?"

Mew assesses the younger's stare on him. It looks like the younger is weighing his words or tracing a hint of lie and of course Gulf can't find anything. He is sincere to his words.

Gulf slowly nods.

"Then why are you holding back, hmm?" Mew questions softly to prevent triggering Gulf's sensitive side. "Didn't the doctor say that it will not be good for you or the baby? It will cause you stress. Do you want that?"

Gulf shakes his head still staring at the older with his big bambi eyes in an almost childlike manner.

Mew smiles a little. "Then can you promise me?"

When Gulf's gaze moves downcast, thus Mew utters in a warning tone, "Yai nong..."

"Even if it's too much?" Gulf clarifies quietly, still not meeting Mew's eyes.

Mew hears himself let out a nervous chuckle, but he wants to assure the boy.

"Nothing is too much for our angel, yai nong. So, promise me?"

"Even if it will tire you?"

Mew grins at that. He knows how considerate Gulf is and as much as it warms him to know such trait, it is not very needed at the moment. "I can manage."

Gulf slowly raises his eyes, unsure if he will ask what he wants next. Because good god, he wants it so suddenly, it's embarrassing.

"Then can I..." Gulf trails off. He feels ridiculous that he wants to cry. Is this really what his child wants? Making him an embarrassing mess?

"Hmm?" Mew's eyes stay on Gulf as he waits the other to spill it to him.

Gulf momentarily closes his eyes as he outs the words he would never dare to utter in his sane mind, but since he is basically not at the moment and Mew just told him that he won't hold it against him, it somehow gives him enough confidence.

"C-can I pinch your cheeks, Phi?" he stutters.

"You...what?" Mew blinks for few times processing what he just heard.

"I...n-nevermind." Gulf wants the ground to swallow him whole, right then.

Gulf moves and about to stand but Mew keeps him in place and this time, Mew is already laughing, that Gulf can see the almond eyes dancing in amusement and he doesn't know what he's feeling about it. He feels conflicted, wanting to watch the older and wanting to leave because he is embarrassed. He can feel how red his face must be.

"You want to pinch my cheeks?" Mew queries still laughing. "It's not as fluffy as yours but go ahead."

"Really?" Gulf quickly forgets how embarrassed he was, his eyes literally lit up. He also doesn't understand himself.

Mew's lips curl into a smile watching the beautiful view that he can swear he won't trade it for the world.

"Do everything you feel doing, yai nong. I won't hold it against you, always remember that."

Gulf smirks, confidence pumping in his veins. "Then you better prepare, Phi."

Mew imitates the gesture. "Am I in trouble now?"

Gulf sighs, a little dejected. "I don't know. It's just weird. Sometimes I feel like doing something..." he finally confesses.

"The urge to hug a person suddenly or even smack or suddenly the person appears's so weird," Gulf explains scrunching his face.

One Fateful Night (ON GOING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora