Chapter 7

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And when I lifted the fork and scooped a forkful of that heavenly noodles and speared a piece of that shrimp onto my fork and put it into my mouth. The flavor of butter, garlic, cloves and olive oil danced around my tongue, and I was speechless for a few moments as I quit talking to savor the rich flavors cascading around in my mouth.

"you know what Malfoy?", I continued on hearing him hum.

"You can cook."

He now openly laughed at me and I joined in.

It never occurred to me that it was the first ever civil conversation between me and Malfoy. And it certainly did not occur to me that it was the start of many.






I woke up to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. Malfoy must be awake early. Having a delicious dinner with Malfoy, reading for a bit and then falling asleep was all I could remember of the previous day. When I looked around the room, the blinds had been opened, letting light into the room. The room was gorgeous. The door to the bathroom opened and Malfoy came out fully dressed, in a navy blue cashmere sweater and light blue jeans. He came to a stop at the opposite nightstand and picked up a brown leather strapped watch. He fastened it around his wrist. He then went to the dresser and stood in front of the mirror, peering at his reflection through the platinum blonde bangs which fell in front of his eyes. He caught hold of his wand and muttered an incantation which dried his hair. He ran his fingers through the newly dried hair, combing it back yet a fluffy texture remained to it. He then went on to the giant walk-in closet to grab something. He returned with a cashmere scarf which matched with the jeans he was wearing. He carefully wrapped it around his neck and then turned to me.

"I am leaving for Hogsmeade, I need to buy another camera."

"Camera? For what?"

As a reply to that, he gestured to a cream colored envelope lying on his side of the nightstand.

"You want me to read the letter?"

He nodded in agreement and I picked up the envelope and slid the letter inside carefully out. I stretched the pale pink parchment and I read it, my mouth opening in disbelief as my eyes made a rapid reading work of the letter.











Dear Mr. Malfoy,

This is your Marriage Counselling professor Melody van Heusen and I give you a prior apology for ruining your weekend sleep in. This letter is being written to you as an apology to me forgetting to tell you guys an important part of the Baby Project which you are a part of, quite inevitably, if I may be so daring to tell.

Today, after Professor McGonagall regarded my request to be acceptable, will be a Hogsmeade weekend for the eighth years. This is being allotted for the receiving ones to go to the village and purchase a camera, a wizarding one is preferred as it can be developed to move.

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