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*In the classroom*

Jimin was taking his books for the first class out, placing it neatly on the table and then keeping his bag down while sitting on his chair when Jungkook who was standing beside him watching him asked "Hey Jimin, are you free after school today?" Jimin turned to look at Jungkook and said "Free? Why do you ask?" Jungkook said while beaming his most adourable smile "I wanted to invite you on a date" and hearing this Jimin was stunned at this sudden request he was shocked and it was visible in his face while his cheeks was turning a little red now. *That smile...* Jimin thought *Wait, what do I do? what do I doo! What am I gonna tell him? Yes? No?* Jimin thought he should answer fast or it'll be rude to just keep him waiting just because he can't process his head at the moment so he just opened his mouth and let his heart do the right thing "Yeah, I'm free I already wanted to be friends with you Jungkook so maybe we can get to know about each other more with this" Jimin said with a smile planted on his face. He didn't know if his response came out good so he was looking at Jungkook's face only to be glad after he sees Jungkook noding his head with a sweet little smile. *Yeah.. friends...* Jungkook, for some reason, felt a little upset.

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