Chapter 2: The Attack

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While both boys wanted to go by quickly, neither of them were able to fall asleep. Izuku was worrying about whether or not Katsuki was going to like his designs or not. Katsuki on the other hand was wondering what Izuku wanted to tell him.

The two spent most of the night thinking about it, and barely got a wink of sleep. Even if they hadn't slept well, they ended up waking up earlier than normal, getting ready for the day. Izuku made sure he grabbed his notebook as always, checking his designs to make sure they were as perfect as he could make them. Izuku wanted the blond to be impressed, after all.


After getting ready, he left his room, made himself some breakfast, and started to imagine how cool Katsuki would be as a hero, saving people and defeating villains. Even though he knew the chance of him becoming a hero was slim, the greenette still liked to think about the two of them fighting villains alongside each other as hero partners.

Izuku got lost in his thoughts, whether it be imagining Katsuki or the both of them fighting villains. He spent so much time in his head he hadn't realised that it was time to start heading to school. The greenette was reminded when his thoughts were interrupted by a loud knocking on the door, startling him. He opened the door to see Katsuki standing in front of him in their school uniform as always.

"Hold on a quick second, gotta grab my bag," Izuku said walking over to where he had left out his backpack the night earlier, making sure that he had everything one last time. "Bye, mom!" Izuku called, closing the door and starting his walk to school with Katsuki.

"Hey Deku, what did you want to show me?" Katsuki asked as they started their way to school. Izuku was still pretty nervous about showing Katsuki his design. So, to try to calm his nerves, he came up with an excuse to give him some time.

"At lunch, I can show you properly so we'll talk about it then," he replied, an awkward smile on his face. The two continued making their way onto the campus, in an awkward silence, neither of them knowing what to talk about.


Unfortunately for Izuku, the time between the start of the school day to lunch flew by in an instant meaning he didn't get time to deal with those nerves of his, the tightness in his stomach growing as he knew the time was approaching.

Before exiting the classroom, Izuku made sure to grab his notebook, looking down at it one last time, sighing, and heading out to walk with Katsuki. The two of them grabbed their food and sat down. Due to the sheer nervousness that Izuku was feeling, he didn't talk much, focussing on his food. He knew that the time was coming which didn't help his nerves at all. Grabbing his notebook, he placed it on the table in front of him, moving his finished plate aside.

"So Kacchan, you know how I had something to show you?" he asked. Katsuki took his focus off of his food, looking at Izuku before nodding, taking another bite of his food afterward. Izuku took one last deep breath before starting his great big speech about Katsuki's hero costume.

"So, you know how you were talking about how I should try for the support course instead of being a hero? Well.. even though you won't be able to change my mind that easily on being a hero, I did look into it and try it out. I've known you for a long time, and I thought that maybe I could try designing something like a support item for you first," Izuku took a breath and continued, the nervousness in his voice lessening as he continued to talk.

"I ended up going a little overboard and while I started with just a support item, it ended up as a whole costume. Due to your explosive personality and love to make explosions, I started by trying to think up ways that allow you to make even bigger explosions than before. Though they are clunky and a little big, they will store excess nitroglicerin produced that once full, you can ignite at will. I thought that they wouldn't be super practical with all of you moving around the battlefield and all, so I recommend making them with light materials." Katsuki, now ignoring his food, listened intently, staring at the sketches and scribbles on the notebook page. Izuku continued to speak, his conversation with the blond turning into him muttering the rest.

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