Part 1

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Main character

Name: Veronica "Ronnie" Moore

Age: 16 (about to turn 17)

Background: grew up in the foster system before becoming a disciple of jigsaw. Was the last of the disciples. Her trap was meant to free her from her neglectful foster dad. Her situation with her foster dad was complicated, she had joined his family when she was a little girl. That was before his wife's death when she was nine, she was going to be adopted by them. But then he turned to alcohol and was completely withdrawn from her. While he never physically hurt her, she couldn't help but hate him while still loving him. Basically the cupid's arrow trap from Saw 4. 

I woke up with a splitting headache no, a splitting bodyache. It felt like I had been chucked into a meat grinder and left to be turned into a hamburger. "Okay Ronnie, breathe. Just try and look around." I thought to myself. I looked around gingerly trying not to hurt my already throbbing head. I saw a bright light above me, like a hospital might. "Maybe I'm in the hospital but why-" I cut myself off. I remember now. I was sitting at home in my room trying to study for my next test when the front door opened. In stumbles Greg, my foster dad. I could hear him from my bedroom stumble around and eventually fall on the couch. All he does is drink and sleep nowadays. And cry. Lots of crying. Of course, I missed her too. But I need him, I need a dad. But nowadays, I'm the parent and he's the child. I can't help but pity him though. My thoughts were interrupted by another noise. This time, from outside my bedroom door. Maybe Greg needs something? I get up to open it but before I can a person in black with a pig mask jumps out. And then, darkness.

"Alright, so I've been kidnapped, cool." I think to myself. No, not cool. I am about to lose my shit. But I need to keep my calm, there's more I know there is. "Damnit!" I finally yell out loud. "You should watch your mouth, you know, swearing too much can make your lips fall off." Before I even had time to comprehend how fucking stupid that was, I had sat myself up. And immediately almost fell back down. My vision blurred as I felt my body tighten. That's when I looked down and saw the stitches on my arms. Puckered wounds like bullet holes were in both of them and from the pain in the rest of my body, they were everywhere. I didn't even realize I was screaming until someone started to shake me. I look up, dry eyed but terrified to see a young woman staring at me. "You need to calm, the fuck, down." She drew out each of her words in a way that made them drip with venom. "Amanda, that's no way to treat a person, especially one that is so wonderfully rehabilitated." An old man looked at me from a chair in the corner of the room.

"What's-what's happening to me? Did you guys take my fucking kidneys or something? Are you gonna kill me? Where's my d-" I'm cut off by a man stepping into the room and shutting the door. He's in his late 30's early 40's and carrying a briefcase. He's also wearing a detective badge. "This is the one right?" He asked the sickly looking man in the corner. "Yes, the third person to pass her test," he answered. "Test? What test? What the fuck is happening?" I feel like for the first time, all of them look at me and actually see me. "It probably will take a moment for the drugs to wear off but, you will soon remember." The older man said getting up and walking towards the bed I was sitting on. I instinctively moved back as far as I could until my back was one with the wall and my legs were scrunched up into my chest.

"You probably have already figured out who I am and why you're here. You're a smart girl, nearly straight A's, lots of extracurriculars." The older man says pulling a file over from the table. I lean over and see that it's all of the documents I've accumulated in only 16 years of living. From my birth certificate to my latest school report card I just got 2 days ago. And he was right, I am a smart girl. I know who he is. Jigsaw.

I woke up from a dreamless sleep into a room of nightmares. I could feel pain coursing through my body like a bad drug. I was standing upright and was chained. And to my horror, as I looked down, 5 poles were sticking through my body. That's when the real pain hit me. I opened my mouth and screamed. I screamed for Greg, Lilly, people at school, even my damn soccer coach. For someone, anyone. "God, oh god." I cried as I looked around in a panic. "Ronnie? Ronnie!" I hear from behind me.

"Greg, I'm here!"

"Ronnie what the fuck is happning?"

"I don't know, I don't-"

A T.V turned on. A white puppet with black eyes faced me. Almost like a real person. His mouth opened.

"Hello Veronica or as your friends call you, Ronnie. I want to play a game. Here you see 5 poles going through you and your foster father. Lucky for you, they are all in non-lethal spots. However I cannot say the same for Greg. Greg has abandoned you, Veronica. He's turned to drinking away his woes, not just the passing of his wife but also being a parent. Time and time again he has chosen himself over you, while you have been his caretaker, his parent for 7 years. It is time for you to put yourself first, will you break the bonds that tie you? Live or die, make your choice."

The T.V flicked off, leaving us in almost complete darkness again. "Ronnie? Okay listen to me baby we can work this out-"

"Don't call me baby! Don't you ever fucking call me baby! I'm not your fucking daughter!"

Okay, maybe now is not the time to let all the daddy issues out of the closet but I couldn't help myself. All the pain and suffering I've felt in nearly a decade came flooding out with one slash of Jigsaw's blade.

"You don't love me, you NEVER loved me! Don't try to kiss my ass once yours is on the line." In my anger and adrenaline, I yanked one of the poles out. I could hear Greg scream in pain as I did it.

"Veronica I know i made mistakes in the past but-"

"But nothing, you AND Lilly promised to be my parents. To take care of me. But you couldn't even do that and now look where we are!" At this point I couldn't stop the tears streaming out of my eyes as I yanked another pole out. Gregs's cries became white noise to me.

"You were gonna get rid of me! That's right, I KNEW." There goes another spike. "Throw me out like some puppy that keeps biting on your furniture." And another. "Well I'M SORRY YOU WERE TOO MUCH OF A COWARD TO BE A REAL FATHER. IF LILY WAS HERE, SHE WOULD HATE THE MAN YOU ARE." I gripped my hand on the last pole as I realized it had gone silent.

"Greg?" I whispered. "Greg?"

Oh fuck.

Before any more adrenaline was wasted I pulled the last pole out. I fell to the floor, as did Greg's body. I curled up into a ball. My throat was dry and thick with blood. "God...oh GOD!" I screamed as I sobbed into my hands. A hooded man came into the room and picked me up bridal style. I tried to lift my head up to see him one more time but it was like it had been filled with concrete. I had no more energy left. Whatever this person was gonna do to me, I was already dead anyways.

"He's dead, oh god he's dead." I choked out. "He is, but you're not," The old man said. "Who are you?"

"Don't you know who I am already?"

"Who are you really?"

"My name is John." I looked past John at the other two people in the room. "And they are..?"

"My disciples, Amanda and Mark." I held back the urge to give an awkward half wave, politeness be damned. "What are you guys gonna do to me?"

"Nothing, if that is what you want. You can leave here and go back home. If there is anything left for you there."


"Or, you can help a sick, dying old man." John gave me a twisted smile. The idea of going back to that empty house and having to deal with everyone makes me want to blow my brains out. Maybe here, I could pretend it never happened. I could become a different person. Maybe it was the pain, adrenaline or drugs they gave me, but that seemed like a good plan. And let me say, I've never had and never will have one of those. 

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