"Jasmine!!" He yelled out and she smiled. "What's good girl?"

"Oh you know. Just being kidnapped by your brother over there," Jasmine smiled at him and he put an arm around her shoulders.

"Oh don't worry Jazzy," she smiled at the nickname. "Raphs a big cuddly teddy bear-....... If big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent." That made Jasmine laugh and Raph roll his eyes. "Now m'lady. Let us take you on the grand tour," he said dramatically. Jasmine nodded and smiled.

"Let's do it." Mikey gave her a grin and dragged her around the lair, showing her everything with Raph leaning up against the lair entrance with a small smile at his brothers enthusiasm. When they reached the dojo, Mikey went in without a second thought.

"And here's the dojo. Where we train, and where Leo spends most of his time doing-... well, that," he pointed to the eldest brother who was sitting on the raised platform, his legs crossed and his eyes closed. Or at least, they were until Mikey happened. One blue eye peeked open and he was about to reprimand Mikey when he spotted Jasmine shyly standing beside him. She gave him a polite wave.

"Heh heh. Hiiiiiii there Leooooooo," she drew the words out shyly and quietly. He waved back.

"Jasmine. How are you?" He asked politely.

"I promised myself that I would kill the next person that asked me that question, but I like you so I think I'll let you live," she deadpanned and Leo stared at her with a semi-shocked expression.

"Ummm. Thank-... thank you?" He replied slowly as his blue eyes glanced from Jasmine to Mikey in concern and she laughed. Mikey chuckled from beside her and then dragged her out of the dojo again, leaving the still confused Leo sitting on the platform as Jasmine waved goodbye.

"Raphs room, my room, Leo's room, Donnie's room, bathroom," he listed off rooms rapidly and pointed at doors as they quickly passed them. The next place they actually stopped at was Donnie's lab, where he was fiddling with something at his desk.

"Hey Jasmine." He picked his head up and smiled at her. She waved and then Mikey was dragging her back out to the living room.

"Well. I think that's it," he rubbed his chin and Jasmine heard Raph scoff from his spot on the couch.

"Jesus did you even take time for her to actually see the rooms?" He asked sarcastically. Mikey frowned.

"Maybe we should do that-..."

"Mikey," Raph said. "She isn't here to take a tour; she's here to meet Splinter." Mikey sighed.

"Fiiiiine." Raph rolled his eyes and stood up, looking at Jasmine.

"You ready?"

"To meet the one and only Master Splinter, the ever wise father of the four heroic turtles? Hell nah. But I guess we can do it anyways," she grinned and Raph chuckled before leading her to a Japanese style sliding door. He gently tapped on it, and Jasmine realized it was an actual wooden door, just painted with intricate designs.

"Come in, Raphael," Jasmine heard a voice call from within the room. Raph gave her a look and opened the door, gently pushing her inside ahead of him.

"Sensei," he greeted politely. Jasmines eyes widened at the large rat kneeling on a mat with his eyes closed.

"You must be the one my sons keep taking about," his eye opened to look at Jasmine and she bowed her head.

"Yes sir. I've heard much about you from your sons. They speak very highly of you," Jasmine glanced back at Raph and she swore she saw him blush a little.

"We'll that is nice to hear, my child." He gave a small smile and he gestured for her to sit down on another mat placed across from him. He looked at Raph who was still standing with his arms crossed.

"Raphael. Leave us," he said and Raph glanced nervously to Jasmine before exiting the room. Jasmine sat across from Splinter and he stroked his beard in thought.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, sir," said Jasmine. Splinter chuckled.

"Call me Splinter, child. And the pleasure is mine Ms..." he trailed off suggestively.

"Oh. Sarna. Jasmine Sarna."

"Well. It is good to meet you Ms. Sarna." He smiled. "My sons talk highly of you as well. I haven't heard much, but when I do, it is all good things. So tell me, child. What is your story?"

"My story?" Jasmine bit her lip and looked backwards to the closed door. She hadn't even told Raph the full story. Of course, she had told him part of it, but left out a lot as well. "I-I'm not sure what you mean, Master Splinter." He stroked his beard and looked deep into her eyes.

"I think you do." The room went silent for a few seconds before Jasmine sighed.

"Okay, well-..."


Tell me what you think!!

XX Shadow


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