Chapter 6

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Wishalena and Joshua are walking together to Silver's Karaoke Diner. Along the way, she and Joshua are carrying a conversation with each other. "So you ran past many robots and shocked them all to the ground?" Wishalena asked.

"Yes, not that hard when I picked up enough speed," Joshua replied.

"Oh, well, I suppose that makes sense. But, hey, could I ask you something?" Joshua turned his head to Wishalena.

"Yeah, what's on your mind?" Joshua asked. Wishalena looked around to make sure Cody wasn't around. She held her right arm and moved her attention to Joshua.

"Have you noticed the way Cody has been acting to me?" Joshua looked surprised, then moved to confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Like, Cody has been following me on missions, and he keeps acting like he wants to say something. But then, change the subject quickly after," Wishalena replied. Joshua smiled. He knew what was going on now.

"Well, it sounds like someone has a crush on you, Wishalena..." Joshua said. Wishalena blushed as she pointed to herself.

"Wait, Cody... has a crush on ME?" she asked. Her body language appeared excited but also embarrassed. Joshua giggled at her and replied.

"I could be wrong. It just sounds like Cody wants to say he likes you but doesn't know how." Wishalena looked surprised then took her attention forward as she held her cheeks.

"Aw, that's cute." She said. Joshua rolled his eyes and patted Wishalena on her back.

"Don't worry, Wishalena. I'm sure he will tell you one of these days."

"Do you think so?" Wishalena asked. They both stopped at the doors of Karaoke Diner. Joshua looked inside and saw many people, including their friends.

"Yeah, I'm sure he will. Give Cody some time." He said. Joshua opened the door and motioned for Wishalena to go on in. She smiled and stepped inside as he followed. The place came off loud. The open dinner carried many things for people to do. Wishalena looked over to her right. There she saw an entire section of tables and booths. Sitting off to the left side was a karaoke stage. Joshua looked over his left and saw a hallway he could hear roller skates. He then looked up and saw a red sign with a massive skating shoe made of cardboard hanging above. The sigh said, Skating Zero. Both turned their attention to the front. They could see a bowling room in the far back, with a bar to the right. The place even carried a laser tag on the far left called Laser Shoot out. Joshua and Wishalena both approached the entrance table and paid for their ticket to get inside.

"That will be five dollars, please." The short female Pomeranian said. Wishalena giggled and handed her the money.

"Here you go." The Pomeranian grabbed the money. She stopped halfway and recognized Wishalena.

"WISHALENA!" Suddenly Wishalena recognized the Pomeranian.

"Ava!" They both ran over and hugged each other. Joshua stood there smiling, watching Ava and Wishalena having a moment.

"Oh, Wishalena, I'm so glad to see you again. How have things been going? Is Buster giving you any trouble? Do I need to give him the ONE, TWO!" she asked. Wishalena giggled, seeing Ava throw her arm like a punch when she stated one, two.

"I'm fine, Ava. Buster isn't giving me any trouble. Joshua and I came down here to enjoy the rest of our day at the Karaoke, silly." Ava giggled and nodded, along with her words.

"Okay, okay. I'll take your word on it. Now go have fun, Wishy." Ava replied. Joshua and Wishalena headed past the counter and headed over to the tables. They both take a seat at the booth with Quinn, Thumper, and Oliver. The guys were busy talking to each other. Wishalena and Joshua looked at the menu for food and drinks. Joshua opened the menu and glanced through the list of foods, then shut and looked at Wishalena.

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