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Hey! Yeah, I'm not dead, sorry for the delay on this, I have no explanation, I guess you could call it procrastination or writers' block, but I sincerely apologize and hope you like this chapter!

Do comment, I would love to know your reactions and thoughts about the story, even if the opinion is bad, It would just push me to improve my writing, Just please do tell me where I went wrong, so I can keep that in mind my dearest readers.


Narrator/author point of view

"So, there'll be another grand bout, of course, It's scheduled for next month actually!" Kohaku tells the group 

"So, the reason why magma tried to k!ll Gen, was that he thought that your strength and battle prowess was due to magic and Gen was the one doing the magic on you for you to be stronger than him?" You ask, arms folded over your chest with a raised brow

"Yes, he's quite jealous of me being the strongest despite his best efforts to take that title from me."

"Yup, Having a chief like him would be baaad news for everyone!" Chrome butts in

"If magma becomes chief, then recruiting new members and completing the panacea and giving it to ruri would become a challenge...." Senku mumbles, absent-mindedly shifting to your side

"But, if one of us, enters the grand bout......" You start "....and wins it, then, the entire village will be ours to command." You state with a serious face

"We should get as many participants on our side as possible." Kohaku also nods

An idea strikes all four teenagers at the same time

"Kinro! Ginro! A question for the two of you!" Kohaku stomps up to the two guards "What do you think of my big sister ruri? Would you like to marry her!?" She blurts, surprising the two guards

"No, I mean I never really thought about it, ruri is, I mean, lady ruri sure is cute and her, uh, face is pretty similar to yours kohaku, but, her boobs, I mean she's so refined and lady-like and those sparkling eyes." Ginro rambles as you look increasingly disgusted at him 

"She's more than just a pretty face, Ginro, or are women's looks all that concern you? You disgust me, Ginro." Kinro scolds his little brother

"What the heck!? I also mentioned her boobs, I mean her lady-like qualities..." Ginro whines

"My answer is simple, guards don't engage in discussion. Rules are rules.....But, if we're just casually chatting here, it shouldn't be a problem, I get it already that Senku and F/n are not bad guys. So, just skip the details and tell me the goal." Kinro asks directly to the point

"We're trying to save my sister's life...."

"Understood, no further explanation needed..." Kinro nods

"Kohaku, I also wish to take part." You declare, surprising Chrome and Senku

"Very well, since bladed weapons and flying projectiles are against the rules of the bout, I shall teach you how to handle a spear." Kohaku nods

"Do you think I'll be able to use the technique I used on you?"

"Of course! It's your fighting style, so it should be alright, let's start practicing right away!"


2 hours later~

"Too shallow! You think you'd be able to beat Magma like that!?" Kohaku asks the two boys as you practice on a tree, hitting all the precise points

Perfect Duo of scientists (Ishigami Senku x female reader) (Dr. stone fan fic.)Where stories live. Discover now