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There will be some metions of slight bullying (Rumor-spreading) and sexual harrassment in this chapter I will make a line where it starts and ends, but It is a huge part of the story

your point of view

"And please have the status on the spring festival checked, if any more students want to set up a stall, tell them to give us the form before this sunday, they can even call me if they're too busy but not whine and b*tch about it later." I tell the student council "That was the last of the work needed to be done today, if there are any questions about my instructions? No? Great, Ms. Shino please put my paperwork in my bag and give it to me in the science lab." I ask the vice-president

"Of course, l/n-san." She immediately gets to work as I walk out of my seat to the science lab just before school ends

A bit of explaining- The student council gets 30 minutes before school-time ends to conduct any meeting so that they can go to their respective clubs as well

"Yo, Senku."

"Yo, f/n, what'cha planning to do?" The leek-haired boy asked as I brought my lab coat out from inside the closet

"I was planning on continuing making the blueprints for the next rocket." I tell him as I notice what he's doing as his workstation is literally just opposite to yours "And you're doing what?" 

"Doing cellular research on Cnidarians."

"Cnidarians, that takes me back..." I mumble as I start doing calculations on my blueprints

"Ms. l/n, your bag." Shiro walks in 

"Ah! thank you, shiro please keep it on this seat." I mumble still focused on my blueprints, unconsiously pointing towards the seat next to mine

"Yes, Ms. l/n." She keeps the bag there and hesitates for a moment

"Is there something you wanted to talk about shiro?"

"Um, well yes, Could I talk to you in a more private setting?"

"Of course shiro." I stand up fully aware of senku staring daggers into shiro's back 

Senku's such an overprotective best friend....Maybe I want him to be more than just a best friend but that's not the point, honestly f/n cleanse your thoughts.

 "M-Ms. l/n, a-as you know during puberty, women experience growth in" She pointed to her growing chest while blushing 

"Yes, What of it?"

--------------Trigger warning given above the content starts now!!--------------------------------------------

"Well, since you're the student council president and a female I feel comfortable telling you that...some of the senior boys from class 3-D have been cat-calling and teasing me about it and also making suggestive comments, I-I don't know what to do....Some girls have also been spreading rumors that I-I'm a s-slut and I got implants they even talk about you, And I just wanted your help on what to do...." shiro started to shake and tears started cascading down her face, I immediately hugged her in an embrace to calm her down

"Tomorrow onwards, you're coming to school with me and my friends and should they do and/or say anything I'll take care of it and were you carrying a voice recorder like I told you to when your breasts started growing?"

"Yes, I have the recordings."

"Great I'll hold them all to that and tomorrow also show me the boys and girls who've hurt you, they didn't touch you did they?" I ask worriedly looking her up and down 

Perfect Duo of scientists (Ishigami Senku x female reader) (Dr. stone fan fic.)Where stories live. Discover now