Side Story chapter-1 (Arithmetic battle!)

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Narrator point of view

"I'm gonna show you some real baaad techniques now!!! Fight me with arithmetic!!"

"Who's gonna give us the questions idiot?"

"I can." F/n says

"No, you'll only ask questions that your friend would know." Chrome glares accusingly at the blonde

"Kukuku This girl? Rigging a game? She's a blunt and honest girl, she won't ever."

"Fine." He agrees

"Okay, 8 x 8?" 

"64." Kohaku, senku and chrome answer, much to the suprise of the two scientists and the sorcerer kohaku knew the answer

"What? It's just like counting the number of fish in a school of them." She explains

"Alright-y, 83 x 87."

"How is anyone supposed to figure that out!?" kohaku yells, shocked that such a question could even exist

"7221." chrome and senku answer yet again 

"The solution is simple, kohaku. when the ten's place digit is same then multiply the digit with the digit plus one, Like in this case do, 8 x (8+1)= 8 x 9= 72 these two are the first two digits of your answer and then multiply the last two digits like in this case, 3 x 7 = 21, now join them, the answer is 7221." f/n explains to the confused girl

"I don't get it." The blue-eyed female pouts

"What's the point? What does this arithmetic have in a fight?" Kinro asks, fed up

"A......Analysing battle power, you could use it in that manner." Chrome tries explaining to the guard

"It could be useful if we split into teams as well." kohaku mentions "For example, not to brag but assuming my battle power is 1000, F/n would be about the same, kinro would be 500, ginro would be 100, chrome would be 5 and senku - 3"

"You're seriously underestimating me way too much!" chrome yells at the nonchalant girl "And when did you see f/n in action, huh? For all you know she could be as weak as senku!"

"If you're not counting my science, Kukuku I mean, I guess my ranking is about right."

"When she applied medicine to my wounds, her hands were a bit rough unlike what you would expect of a girl's hands, showing that she'd done hard manual labor and that she's fought people or animals before, her posture is that of a warrior, besides her weapons show that she can fight quite well." Kohaku explains to her fellow villagers "And she's also tamed two beasts to listen to her every command." Kohaku points to the two animals resting behind her

"Your point is valid but your numbers are off." kinro tells the girl 

"If that's true, I apologize but first how about you all team up and fight me?"

"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN!!!" Chrome yells

"Fufufufu, We five could team up and surround her, I mean it is kohaku we're talking about, I'd hardly consider is unfair." ginro speaks while shaking

In a matter of seconds the boys lay defeated

"I told you." chrome grumbles

"500+100+5+3 is smaller than 1000, this is simple arithmetic." senku mumbles painfully "Only, f/n's remaining standing, she's probably the strongest we've got."

"I got it....." kinro mumbles slowly sitting up to watch the two girls fight

"Kohaku, I can't fight with a spear, is that okay with you?"

"We can fight with hand-to-hand combat." Said girl drops her weapon and rushes towards the scientist, who moves out of the way just before kohaku's punch hit her abdomen

Using chi-blocking, f/n attacked kohaku's vulnerable arm rendering it paralyzed for 5 minutes

"I need to defeat her in the five minutes that her dominant arm is paralyzed or this fight could drag out."

F/n lunges towards the astonished girl and immediately paralyzes kohaku while she was in shock

"Seems you were a bit tired from fighting the boys huh?" f/n pants, It had been some time since she'd used chi-blocking, in fact she hadn't used it since she'd awoken

"It seems so." Kohaku chuckles as f/n slowly picks her up and starts opening up all her chi paths and she starts getting unparalyzed "You're truly quite the fighter f/n, I would love to spar with you sometime."

"You got it, but only if you teach me how to use a spear." F/n chuckles re-gaining her breath

"That was incredible, what technique was that?" kinro asks with wonder in his eyes

"It's called chi-blocking." Senku answers

"Now that the mineral-full shed is ours, let's take a look shall we?" Senku starts climbing the ladder with his usual nasty smirk on his face

A.N- the one-shot book is out, please check it out, I will be posting more stories as I get more reccomendations or ideas from you all in my stories, I can write any and every scenario (Smut, angst, headcanon, fluff.) you name it I can write it and with any character, even if it is a character I don't know, I'll just do some background research or sum, and in any AU, But I will usually write Female reader x character, because I don't think that I'll be able to write Male reader very well, so....sorry to my male readers but if I am requested to I will try my best to write.

Also, if any of you have any tips or anything for my writing please do comment or message me through the inbox in wattpad, I appreciate each and every piece of constructive criticism or tips.

Also do comment, I would love to know your reactions and thoughts about the story, even if the opinion is bad, It would just push me to improve my writing, Just please do tell me where I went wrong, so I can keep that in mind my dearest readers.

I also have more books with female reader they are on my account please check them out if you are new!!!

Also this book has reached over 800 views / reads, I'm so very thankful, I didn't think it would get this many reads, so thank you all very much from the depths of my heart!!!!

This was a bonus chapter in the manga and I found it really funny, before it was at the end of chapter 18 but now it is at the end of chapter 22

Word count- 1054

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Perfect Duo of scientists (Ishigami Senku x female reader) (Dr. stone fan fic.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora