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I know I deserve to be yelled at for how long I left this story, I am so so sorry!! Just school and assignments started killing me!! And I get random bursts of inspiration!!

Also do comment, I would love to know your reactions and thoughts about the story, even if the opinion is bad, It would just push me to improve my writing, Just please do tell me where I went wrong, so I can keep that in mind my dearest readers.


Narrator/author point of view

"GAAAAH!!!!" The two brothers yell

"Of course those brothers would be in sync!" Kohaku comments as you nod

"Yup, it's just like me and my elder sister whenever we used to do anything together!" You tell kohaku

"Kukuku Kinro and Ginro are part of the kingdom of science now, we're building up a decent line of citizens." Senku chuckles, bringing out the bamboo filament that he made 

"So, we're really going to get electricity out of this?" Gen questions as senku starts climbing up to the roof of the science shed

"Does it need to be that high up?" Kohaku asks as you stay on alert in case either senku or chrome show any signs of falling 

"Kukuku Not really, but I figured why not." Senku responds taking the wires being handed to him by chrome

"What is he up to....?" Gen questions himself as he watches senku attach the two wires to the filament "Ah, of course!"

"You got it right Gen, It's an Edison light bulb." You smirk, putting a hand on his shoulder in conformation "Made with japanese bamboo."

"Chrome, are you scared of the night?" Senku questions his apprentice

"Well, yeah 'cause it gets all dark, but what's that got to do with this?"

"In our time, there was no darkness. Light bulbs eradicated darkness all over the world, with old man Edison's light bulb humanity conquered all 24 hours of the day." He glanced over to you with a look, and you understood every word behind his eyes

"With the power of science, humanity triumphed over the darkness. Knowledge is therefore known as power, many students used to think that that was utter bullsh*t but, it's the supreme truth, which is why, science and knowledge can help humanity come back to life, because we now know what we are dealing with, well not what we're dealing with but what it can do and now with science we will save the entire human race." Kohaku and Gen listen to your words, hooked by the power your tone held, starting to believe in you even more and though you said that you were no leader, it was obvious that you were a natural-born one

"This light......though it lasted for merely a second, It burnt forth like no fire ever could, The bright light of science!"

"T-That was amazing!" Kohaku exclaims as the light dies down

"Electricity, in the stone age? Hard to elieve-bay, I wonder if you're seeing this Tsukasa-chan?" Gen leans against a tree as he slides down to sit on the ground

"When I started sifting through science books along with F/n, The first biography we ever read was Edison's." Senku starts speaking to chrome

"The library was ten billion percent guarenteed to have it!" You joined in, 

"It's been a year and four months since I woke up..." Senku continues

"And two years and four months since me...." You start 

Perfect Duo of scientists (Ishigami Senku x female reader) (Dr. stone fan fic.)Where stories live. Discover now