Chapter- 13

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Narrator's point of view


"It's time to get excited!!" Senku yells as he enters the shack 

"Kukuku  there so many different kinds of minerals in here! How many years did this take you chrome!?" F/n questions as she starts going through the minerals

"Yeah, take a look senku, f/n it's baaad ain't it? Sure you guys may have crushed me in sorcery and arithmetic- I mean, I wasn't exactly in my best shape today, but my collection is something no one can defeat." 

"Sure, but in the end they're still a bunch of rocks..." kohaku thinks with a confused expression, baffled that someone could be this excited about rocks

"Malachite, chalcanthite, corundum...." senku mumbles excitedly picking up minerals from their respective places

"That baaad one's super hard!!" Chrome points at the corrundum

"Corundum has a mohs hardness of 8.0, second only to diamond, which has a mohs hardness of 10.0." The female scientist recalls

"Not seeing a difference, how could a bunch of rocks turn you three into raging fanatics?"

"Senku! Look galena!!" F/n holds the mineral in front of said boy

"Sweet! Now we finally have lead!" senku takes the rock from f/n, blushing when his hand brushed against hers

"Crack it and it sparkles real baaad!" chrome brings out an axe from somewhere

"Nope, I'll never understand why their so excited."

"I used to collect insects actually, but now I hate 'em, Can't even touch them." ginro states with a sweatdrop at the trio

"THERE'S EVEN A PHILOSOPHER'S STONE!?!?!" Both scientists yell out as kohaku picks up the pot and starts walking towards the village 

"They can drool over their spoils of war all they want, I'm done, My sister needs this hot spring water."

"Cinnabar, more commonly known as the philosopher's stone, we can extract mercury by heating it! it even appeared in Dragon quest!" 

"More creepy sorcery, huh?" Ginro sweatdrops watching the leek-haired male heat the cinnabar

"Do as you would like, but outside of the village, take one step on the bridge and I shall cut you down." Kinro states sternly "Rules are rules."

"Take the mercury, and melt some gold dust into it..." F/n mixes the two elements as senku takes kinro's spear and starts coating it in the mixture and heats it over open flame "Breath in that smoke and it'll be the last thing you ever do." f/n warns with a smirk as kinro moves a bit back 

"Shiny gold spear, complete!" senku gives it back to kinro

"WOAH!!!!" Ginro exclaims 

"Baaaad!!!" I think we all know who this is

"What good does this sorcery do me?"

"Kukuku It's totally useless, But your name is kinro (Golden wolf) right?"

"A gold spear is perfect for you." F/n finishes senku's sentence 

"Whatever your scheme may be, Don't think you can win me over with something so utterly ridiculous." Kinro glares at the two modern-timers


"Give up on kinro, he's just a hard head who can only follow the rules." 

"Well, no need to trouble yourselves by stripping it off." The brunette turns around

Perfect Duo of scientists (Ishigami Senku x female reader) (Dr. stone fan fic.)Where stories live. Discover now