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Dearest readers,

Instead of having chapter 10 in parts I have compiled it all into one long chapter, So....Yeah that's about it

The one-shot book is out, please check it out, I will be posting more stories as I get more reccomendations or ideas from you all in my stories, I can write any and every scenario (Smut, angst, headcanon, fluff.) you name it I can write it and with any character, even if it is a character I don't know, I'll just do some background research or sum, and in any AU, But I will usually write Female reader x character, because I don't think that I'll be able to write Male reader very well, so....sorry to my male readers but if I am requested to I will try my best to write.

Also, if any of you have any tips or anything for my writing please do comment or message me through the inbox in wattpad, I appreciate each and every piece of constructive criticism or tips.

Also do comment, I would love to know your reactions and thoughts about the story, even if the opinion is bad, It would just push me to improve my writing, Just please do tell me where I went wrong, so I can keep that in mind my dearest readers.

I also have more books with female reader they are on my account please check them out if you are new!!!

Also this book has reached over 700 views / reads, I'm so very thankful, I didn't think it would get this many reads, so thank you all very much from the depths of my heart!!!!

I will make a bonus chapter after this which takes up the math battle that they had in detail, It was shown in the manga so, I thought why not?

Thanks for reading my story!! Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow me if you like my other works as well!!! All my stories are updated regularly 

Perfect Duo of scientists (Ishigami Senku x female reader) (Dr. stone fan fic.)Where stories live. Discover now