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do comment, I would love to know your reactions and thoughts about the story, even if the opinion is bad, It would just push me to improve my writing, Just please do tell me where I went wrong, so I can keep that in mind my dearest readers.


Narrator/author point of view

"Baaad situation!!!!! That bastard, Gen gave us the slip!" Chrome jumps out of the shed

"Ah, so he's gone back to Tsukasa, eh?" Senku asks, cleaning his ear with his pinky 

"But ain't that baaad!? He's gonna rat us out to Tsukasa!" Kohaku starts running after Gen, but Senku stops her

"Think about it, if Gen didn't have even one millimeter of interest in science, he wouldn't have helped us from the start, the moment we created electricity, Gen had decided to join the kingdom of science." Senku reasons with the two "It's just that a guy as fickle as that had to put on a show for us."

"Wait! Where's f/n-nee-chan!?" Chrome starts franctically running around looking for you

"She's gone down to the river to bathe beauty and sher, so calm down idiots."

"Men are a pain, no matter what era." Kohaku sighs as you nod 

"You're not half wrong there Kohaku." You smile as you walk through the bushes in the same swim suit you borrowed from Kohaku with sher and beauty following behind 

"Heh, F/n-chan, you look really good~" Chrome teases as he nudges Senku, who had his eyes locked onto you, but soon moved them away out of embarassment for his thought and his respect for you

While in the Tsukasa empire

"Tsukasa-chan!!!! I found a primitive village, got in a scuffle with 'em but as for Senku and F/n-chan, I saw neither head nor hide of them, Senku-chan is dead for sure and as for f/n-chan I can't say...." Gen says, panting and tired

Flashback! Gen's point of view

"Gen take care of your wounds, take this paste of ayurvedic medicine, put it on your wounds after you rest and bathe." F/n-chan hands me the green-ish looking paste

"F/n-chan, do you really adore Science for the mere reason of learning it or for some other.....?"

"It's an extremely personal answer Gen, not to offend you or anything, but It's an answer I don't tell to just anybody."

"That's fine, f/n-chan~ I can already tell the answer anyway."

"Right, take care, Gen." She nods, blushing a bit but with a straight face

"Hai, Thank you F/n-chan~ I'll see you in a while."

Flashback over!

Back in the kingdom of science, author's point of view

"So, In this first battle between the tsukasa empire and kingdom of science for Asagiri Gen, Kingdom of Science wins!!" Kohaku cheers

"A bottle of cola clinched it, the world's shallowest alliance." You chuckle, crossing your arms over your chest while smirking victoriously 

"Kukuku That's just the way it is though, Science'll be just the thing to make some cola!" Senku smirks, taking your hand into his as you blushed furiously 

"Again with the goddamn smirk, at this point it feels like he's doing it on purpose!"

"Jeez, that goddamn smirk is gonna k!ll me......" You mumble to yourself

Perfect Duo of scientists (Ishigami Senku x female reader) (Dr. stone fan fic.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant