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TW blood and blood kink

Chapter Text

Celeste stopped on the spot when she heard the click of the lock open, accompanied by the heavy noise of the entrance door that creaked open, letting heavy footsteps enter the house.
The knife she held between her fingers began to tremble with her body, preventing her from continuing to cut the vegetables she was preparing for their lunch, as she held her breath, feeling choked, while waiting to hear that warm and strangely reassuring voice for her, especially after the night spent with Prosciutto.

She needed to hear it.

-Capo, just in time! Come here and have a drink while we wait for lunch to be ready to eat!-

-We also have a couple of interesting things to tell you; I'll pour you a little bit of Montenegro, come on.-

-Sit down here, I'll change seat.-

Those weren't the voices that Celeste hoped to hear and this forced her to remain still, waiting to hear what she needed; when that happened, she felt her legs almost give up and she cursed herself at how disappointing she was as a person.

-Okay... Calm down.- said Risotto Nero listlessly, immediately letting the girl release a sigh of relief from her rosy lips.

He was back.

He had come back to her.

-Ouch!- she yelled, when the sharp blade of the knife sank into the flesh of her finger and not into the carrot resting on the cutting board.

What thoughts were coming out from her mind?! How could she imagine certain things about her kidnapper and rapist?! Was she going crazy?

She was so ashamed of those thoughts, so invasive and surreal, about that evil man, but she couldn't help it: she had to see him, she needed him. His presence made her feel... safe, despite her being perfectly aware that he himself was the danger from which she had, theoretically, to escape.

And yet, even though she rationally knew what was right and what was not, she couldn't control that strange feeling of warmth that lit up in her chest when she heard him speak, when she recognized his menacing steps, when she met those eyes of his, so particular, which seemed look at her with almost mercy.

She felt uncomfortable when those thoughts occupied her mind; she had read it in some low quality novels about women becoming almost obsessed with their captors, but she had no idea that this could actually happen. Wasn't it just the result of a perverse adolescent fantasy? How could someone "fall in love" with the cause of theirs death? Those women were ridiculous and she wasn't as disappointing as they were.

She was a strong woman.

She shook her head in annoyance, as she removed the throbbing finger from her mouth and opened the water in the sink, letting the cold jet wash the open wound dripping with blood, coming from the left index finger she had accidentally opened.

-Cucciola, what's going on?- asked Illuso interested, sticking his head out of the kitchen door, attracted by the little scream of pain from before.

-Nothing much, I just cut myself...-

-Where is it? Let me see.-

The girl removed her hand from the water and handed herself to the man, who gently took Celeste's hand between his fingers, carefully scrutinizing the deep cut she had made.

-Uhm...- he said, lightly pressing the stained flesh between his index finger and thumb, causing her to grimace in pain -I'd give it a couple of two stiches; it's not a long gash, but you're losing a lot of blood, you must have gone deep with the blade.-

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