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Please, if you don't feel comfortable reading about rape, DO NOT read this chapter

Chapter Text

After calming down and thoroughly rinsing her face, she hesitantly decided to leave the bathroom and go back to the living room, where everyone was gathered.

Upon entering the room, she realized that she had spent much more time than expected closed to the toilet, finding the sofa and armchairs empty, with only Risotto waiting for her.

Putting down the book he was intent on leafing through, the man turned his head when he heard the girl's light footsteps heading towards him, observing her with his usual cold and detached expression, with his fiery eyes.

-You disappeared for an hour without even apologizing.- he said, crossing his muscular arms and leaning his back against the bookcase, behind him.

Celeste looked down, biting her lip and starting to nervously rub her hands: the idea of having made him angry, after the new orders received from their boss, terrified her.

-I'm sorry... I felt kind of sick.- she tried to justify herself, while her heart sped up its beat and went up to her throat, perceiving that imposing figure approach her, in confident and intimidating way.

-That's not a good reason. I do not accept such lack of respects towards me and my men.- She felt a hand as big as her face lifting her chin, without too much delicacy, forcing her to look into his face.

-I'm sorry...- she yelped, almost crying, terrified of what he could do to her.

The room was enveloped in silence, with only the sound of rain filling their ears as the two stared intently into each other's eyes; she was breathing heavily, waiting for his next move, while he seemed relaxed, as if he was used to such situations.

-You can't think of running away from your problems with simple excuses...- he almost whispered, approaching dangerously to her lips, leaning towards her have to pay for your mistakes.-

Her vision began to blur everything around her, keeping the focus only on the face of that man, on his deep eyes, on his marked features and on his full lips, which came closer and closer to her own, until they landed on them for the second time since she had arrived.

She could still taste on his tongue, which made its way less violently that time into her mouth, the strong aroma of alcohol consumed shortly before.

She tried to back away, taking a few steps back, but the man's hand came off her chin to vehemently grab her shoulder, forcing her to remain motionless under him.

Celeste began to complain, letting out groans of disapproval, as she pushed, with poor results, the man's chest, pressing with her palms, which were almost like those of a child on the tanned and hot skin of her attacker.

When the man broke the kiss, the girl jerked her head back, attempting to escape from that situation, which surely would only get worse.

Risotto, seeing her going away, pushed her towards him, locking her in his arms, squeezing her until she jumped.

-You're... you're hurting me!- she complained, breathing heavily.

She tried in vain to free herself, while the man brought one of his hands towards her ass, squeezing it possessively, making her whine even further.

-Risotto...!- she moaned, getting a grunt from him in response -Please, you're really hurting me right now!-

But he didn't stop, continuing to squeeze and massage the soft and fleshy muscle under his fingers, and then begin to wander downwards, heading towards the girl's dressed intimacy.

Grind (ENGLISH)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ