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He had no idea why he was standing there, in the dark night, lost and in the cold air, but Doppio felt inside him like a supernatural force, which pushed him to enter into that Night Club, so infamous, so unsafe. It was probably fault of those too many negronis he drank before, such a terrible and catastrophic idea, but the damage was now more than done. Adjusting for a moment the rebellious purple tufts that continuously bothered his face, the small boy decided to go inside. After a glare received from the bald and lumpy-headed bouncer, the almost peaceful streets of Naples in the early hours of the morning were replaced by an incredible noise, which invaded his ears, quickly penetrating into his brain and finally stunning him.

He found himself surrounded by dozens of tables, full of people, primarily men, of all ages, screaming and yelling, due to a disproportionate abuse of alcohol and probable drugs, obscenities to the dancers on stage, who moved in a sensual way to the rhythm of music; provided that that was definable as such. The smell of sweat and testosterone in that place was nauseating, but it was essential to create an atmosphere that was overall intoxicating, fueled by the noises and naked figures that moved around the place. Doppio found himself drunk with lights and sounds, certainly more confused than before, but also much more confident and free in his usually so awkward movements.

He didn't even have time to get used to that alienating environment that, again, the unknown force within him pushed him to look at the stage, where the dancers were performing. After all, hadn't he come to satisfy his physical needs, at least with his sight? Doppio had never been very successful with women, not that he remembered much of his past experiences, but in general females tended to consider him not enough, due to his appearance and above all his unripe attitude, and over time he had surrendered to this condition, almost completely losing every single motivation. Despite this, he had never come to take advantage of the classic services offered by the mafia: they were too much for him. Even being in that place was strange and scary in that moment.

As he thought sadly about his many amorous, or more generally sexual, misadventures, his eyes were immediately caught by a figure on stage. Among the numerous girls intent on dancing, one in particular bewitched him on the spot. A woman with long, muscular legs was intent on sinuously walking around her pole, ready to begin her umpteenth show. She cast hungry glances with her charming blue eyes beneath her, making anyone who looked at scream. Her hair looked like threads of gold, which followed her in all the delicate and composed movements and the fringe did not seem to bother her in any way, despite the fact that it began to be wet with sweat. The plump, red-tinted lips were twisted into a smirk as the tongue jokingly came out to further provoke the audience. Taking the shiny pole between her lean and graceful fingers, she levered her arms and began to climb, leaving the floor for good, and then she began to twirl, until she got so much grip with her fleshy and toned thighs that she could let herself go. Her arms and torso were extended backwards, exposing her uncovered breast, while her hair fell like a waterfall, following her graceful movements.

Doppio found himself in the midst of those people he had seen before wiggling like animals when he saw her and realized he was unable to take his eyes off that creature, which seemed so fairy. Everything around him had fallen silent, everything had disappeared: in that moment, there were only him and that angel, who continued to circle as if she had no weight. He continued to feel that strange strength, however, that whispered to him to act, to take her and make it his, in that particular moment. A repetitive sound woke him from the trance he had found himself in and he realized that his beloved boss was calling him. "Shit! Foreal? In a moment like this?! Fuck! How do I explain him where I am and why? " he still felt his cheeks ablaze after such inappropriate thoughts, which had sprung up in his mind for no reason, catching him off guard.

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