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How could he succumb so easily to such a weak creature?

How could he fail himself so much, and his trusted mates even more?

How could he endanger his team so much for a mere woman?

Risotto turned in bed for the once again , unable to sleep, due to his mind clouded by all of those thoughts. He felt like a disappointment, he felt so weak.

The look of bitterness and disgust that Prosciutto had given him, before going out with his brother, had struck him in the soul. Prosciutto was one of the colleagues with whom he was closest to; the opinion of each of his members was fundamental for him, but the one of Prosciutto stimulated him much more and the thought of having upset him in that cruel way didn't leave his mind, tormenting him relentlessly.

However, he couldn't ignore the effect that the memory of her body caused him: he felt his body react by remembering the sensation of her sweet and muffled voice against his ear, her warm sex pressing against his.

He couldn't ignore the image of those swollen and red lips, of those eyes overwhelmed by fear, but at the same time... by passione.

Celeste, on the other hand, was finally resting, calm and satisfied: she had managed to get away unscathed from a potentially deadly situation and, judging by the way their boss had vehemently moved her from his lap, after hearing the harsh words of his colleague, such a thing wouldn't have happened again very easily.

The awakening for her was rosy, despite the place where she found herself. She went calmly first to the bathroom, where she dressed and put her hair in a high, messy bun, and then to the kitchen, where instead she made coffee for her and her kidnapper.

When she saw him enter the room, with deep dark circles under his eyes and that look of his always stoic, but slightly dejected, she didn't have time to stop her thoughtful words, which slipped out of her mouth, as she handed him the cup.

-What's wrong, Risotto? -

She wanted to slap herself in the face hard until she fainted.

The man, sitting at the table, looked up at her. Eyes deeper than usual, angry, embittered, disappointed.

She mentally thanked him when he decided not to answer her, ignoring her as always.

Embarrassed by the display of interest she had given him and also by the intrusion of her arrogant words, Celeste sat down as usual in front of him, sipping her drink.

-I wasn't a good example, last night.- he confided to her a few minutes later, catching her off guard and making her raise her head lowered, in surprise.

She almost felt guilty, hearing his tone so self-accusatory and crestfallen.

-It wasn't your fault, it was Ghiaccio who proposed the idea, you know it...- she tried to justify him, not even knowing why.

-No.- he thundered stoically, with an inflexible voice.

The girl opened her mouth slightly, amazed by the sudden change in tone. The man got up and looked at her threateningly.

-I was the one who gave him approval, I had to deny his proposal. I thought about my interests and not those of the team, I was reprehensible. From now on, similar situations will never happen again, until we receive more precise orders.- and he walked quickly out of the room.

"God, please, if you exist: make these indications come as soon as possible, don't leave me at the mercy of these psychopaths." she prayed, sighing and going to wash the dirty cups.

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