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Celeste raised her eyes to the man, observing him with a puzzled expression: had he really asked her a similar question, after all the abuses perpetrated in those weeks? Obviously she was afraid of him, she was afraid of all of them in that place.

Instinctively, the fingers of her hand rested delicately on her opened lip, over the crust of congealed blood that had formed, after the kick received hours and hours before, right from him. She felt the rough, imperfect surface of the dark lump stuck to the skin of her lip; she felt it pull.

-I'm afraid of all of you here.- her voice trembled, even though she almost smiled as she spoke to him.

Prosciutto returned the expression, looking into those deep and clear eyes, letting himself drown in that sad sea in front of him. He nodded, sipping his drink, giggling slightly after swallowing the amber liquid, feeling his throat burn from the contact as he put down the glass now was filled only with ice.

-And that's how it's supposed to be, my dear.-

Celeste gave a weak nod of approval, moving the locks of her bangs from her face: they were growing too much, sooner or later she would have to give them a trim, she didn't want to ruin her hairstyle like this; not because of such a situation, she had to maintain his dignity.

-Can you tell me why you guys captured me?- she asked out of nowhere with a steady voice, after minutes and minutes of silence between them, making the man's gaze flicker towards her, taking him by surprise, even though his face did not let any amazement shine through - I don't believe that you have taken me, that you are keeping me with you and that you are letting me live here without knowing the purpose of all this. It's not possible, you can't trust your boss so blindly; you have to know something, so then why don't you want to tell me? - her tone became more broken and desperate, while she was overwhelmed by all those feelings that continued to oppress since they had kidnapped her -We are talking about my life, my body... I have a right to at least know why. I don't pretend to be let go, this is now my reality, but...- she swallowed hard, clutching her skirt between her tapered fingers, feeling the material bend under her force, while her vision blurred, feeling the tears dangerously pinch her crystalline eyes -... but at least I want to know the reason for all of this, please.-

Prosciutto did not answer immediately, on the contrary, he left her unanswered for some time, while he lit a cigarette and harshly inhaled the boiling smoke, feeling his lungs burn, feeling his body fill with heat; fuck if he needed it. That woman had reminded him once again that their boss considered them mere animals to give orders to, for his likings. No, they didn't know the reason for her kidnapping; no one knew, except for him.

They didn't even know why that bastard had chosen them to get her, when he had hundreds of other stray dogs to give this annoying and useless mission to. Why had he chosen the assassination squad to look after a woman? Why was it taking so long to pick her up? He was having setbacks, but how much could the mere presence of that whore, perhaps put in a room, locked in the dark, and released only for the night, affect his work performance? If so much she was needed only to release a bit of stress, then didn't it make sense to have her brought to him in a period like this? But why the fuck they had to keep her, why they had to feed her, why they had to see her every day; why could they touch her? Why did he have given them the right to feel her soft breasts under their thirsty and callused fingers, why could they have the right to kiss her, to caress that angelic and velvety face, to hear her laugh, to see her smile, to hear her moan.


-I wish I could answer you, Celeste.- he finally said, making her look up, observing him with those pleading eyes, shiny and desperate -But unfortunately we know exactly as much as you do, for real. Our boss hasn't given us any more information and we trust him, so we simply obey him.- he had to hold back a grimace at the end of the sentence; trust him? Them? No, they just had to proceed with caution and they had to make sure they had his trust. Surely no one on the squad really trusted that asshole, not even a single member.

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