Chapter 15

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Jean pov
"Ready to go kick some Founder butt?" Fang asked Logan when we got in the jet.
"No, I'm ready to skewer them." Logan responded, un sheathing his claws.
"Alright skewer away. But just not me, I'm on your side."
"I know who the enemy is kid. I've fought many wars. The enemy is the one who is pointing the gun at your head and is willing to pull the trigger. The enemy is the one who won't last long in my book." He says.
Then he comes over to see me in the cockpit. Fang has had bad experiences with Logan on the jet. I remember how Logan broke his arm the first time we met. Although Fang was the one who punched him in the face. "ETA?" Fang asks. "20 minutes. We should be landing in Florida in no time." I say. "Why would the Founders have a secret base in Florida?" Fang asks. "Oh I don't know, maybe they like the beach and the warm weather." I say jokingly. Then I get serious and say "It's because of Florida being a Peninsula. The Founders can use water for hydroelectricity and save on war costs." I state. Angel had found it by looking at the base over Google maps. No she did not just type in 'Founder bases, USA.' She hacked NASA satellites, and very cleverly, pinpointed the area using video footage that she had collected and watched to see unusual patterns.
The next 20 minutes are dull and basically boring. We land at the Tampa International Airport and put our jet in a hanger. The base is suppose to be down the cost in Sarasota, Florida. Why would they put it in a city like that, I have no idea. We end up renting a car and driving there. We parked on the beach and decided to walk up shore to the base. There was a cave entrance. Always loved the beach, just not what was in the ocean. I grab my bag and pull out scuba gear. The cave is full of water. That's what happens when we come during high tide, but if we didn't we would be seen and caught. "Have you actually ever used one of these?" Fang asks.
"No but they can't be that hard." I say.
"Give it here!" Logan growls fixing the devices on all of us. He was a pro at it.
"Vietnam, 1920." He mutters to me.
"Whatever you say Oh Mighty one." That's when he almost stabbed me.
"Call me that again kid, and you will have 3 wholes in your chest." He states.
We start to swim. I hate the ocean, I hate the jelly fish, I hate sharks. I could go on and on. We get inside the back entrances. That's when we saw all the kids. We take down the guards, get the kids out, then they help us take down the rest. There was not that many people here. It probably had around 30 people, plus 20 kids. Another base down. Only one more to go. Then this bloody war can finally end.

Short chapter! The next one will be longer don't worry. I have decided that yes I will be making a fourth book. It will be about life, family, and how having powers can be a great adventure, and a big challenge.

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