Chapter 9

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Angel pov
We get in and everyone Jean sits up. "Hey lady, you alright?" My friend Shock asks.
Jean is still to confused so I lean down and hug her. "It's good to see you." I say.
"Jean?" Who's at the door this late?" Logan asks walking in angrily.
"Angel?" Logan says. His anger vanishes, I know in his mind that he is relieved, and surprised.
"Did you miss me?" I say tackling him to the the ground. He tries to get up but I've pinned him down in a position that makes him even locked down.
"Get off me." He says.
"I'm waiting to here your response to my question." I say gripping his hands behind his back tighter.
"I missed you a lot kid. We all did. Now get off of me before I stab you." He says.
I get up, look fake offended at how Logan would want to stab me. Then I smile and yell "IM HOMEEEEEE!" It radiates through the whole mansion but I know everyone here has learned to be a deep sleeper. Charles comes down the hall, he rubs sleep out of his eyes, I notice he looks older, the young fresh professor I knew 2 years ago is gone. Stress has taken a toll on him. "Angel!" He says smiling, half confused/ half happy. Max comes running down the hall, a little kid right behind her.
She hugs me, picks me up, and won't stop checking me over. "My baby girl! What happened?"
"Momma, I thought I was your baby! I have a sister?" The little kid asks.
"No you don't have a sister, not biological anyways." She says. It's hard to explain me.
"You had a kid, with Fang?!" I ask shocked.
"A lot has happened in two years Angel." Jean says getting up.
"Let's get you down to the clinic." Charles says.

When I get down there, Jean goes to check everything, when she gets to my back I say "No."
"Angel what's the matter?" Jean asks.
"I don't want you to see. I've been through a lot these past two years. The guards were, what you call, brutal. It may be tough to look at." I say.
"I'm a doctor." She states. She lifts up the back of my ratty shirt and sees all the scars.
"Angel!" Max and Jean say at the same time.
"What did they do over there?" Max asks.
"Like I said, The guards and doctors were brutal. I'm fine now, they have healed, the recent one was last week, you can tell because it's still red. The guard named Dross, he got mad that I hadn't been punished enough for helping a kid escape, I had helped way more than one, but anyways, he started whipping me, he got a fire torch at one point...." I say like it's nothing.
"I'm so sorry I left you there, I didn't see you, we looked for days after what happened! It's all my fault." Jean says putting her head down. Scott put his hand on Jeans shoulder to comfort her. "She's safe now, that's what matters."
"So, I see I missed a lot." I say standing up. "I'm going go take a shower, can't wait to finally have hot water again." I am half way out the door when Nudge, Gazzy, and Iggy come hurtling into the room. They hug me so much I end up on the floor. "Angel!" Nudge says hugging me. A puppy comes running in next ask starts licking me. "What else is new?" I ask.
"Did we win the war?" I am so excited.
"No. But we are close. The founders are almost gone. There are only 3 bases left to hit." The professor says.
So I finish hugging everyone then head off to eat and take a shower. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.

Fighting Till Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें