Chapter 10

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Angel pov
That morning I had a lot of questions, but I had one that had been getting at me all night, it's not even that important. I wonder why Max and Fang named there kid Ronnie. Also how the heck Logan found that dog. I knew something was special about it but I couldn't put my finger on it so when I went downstairs for breakfast and Max and Logan were there, I saw the perfect opportunity to get my questions answered. "Max I have a question. Why did you name your kid Ronnie? Out of all the names, Ronnie was the one?"
"Fang wanted to have a boy, but we found when I was 4 months in that it was going to be a girl. As soon as he found out he still wanted to go with Ronnie because he wanted to not have some girly girl as a kid. He wanted to have a girl who had a strong name, who could defend herself. Not a name like Olivia or Lily. So of course I went along with it, thinking what the heck. After what I've gone through, I've done enough of the deciding, we named the kid Ronnie. But we agreed to make her middle name Angel because at the time, we didn't think you were ever going to come back." She says. I looked away. They really though I was dead all this time, I knew that maybe they thought I was dead but it still hits me. I look back up and then ask my next question "Logan, where do you find that dog?"
"Why are you asking?"
"Because that dog isn't just a dog."
He looks up from his paper and says "I was at my wife's visiting with my daughter and son-in-law. My wife got a dog from the pound and has had if for a few years now. It was special, she said. She never told me why it was special. She decided it would be nice for the dog to have puppies. Well while I was there the dog had puppies and I thought about Fang who had ask me to get a dog for Ronnie. On my way home with the puppy, I was on my bike and it was in the back. All of a sudden the dog was gone. So I stopped my bike and was looking for the dog, just when I got back on the dog reappeared. It had never moved. The dog has the power to turn invisible I found out."
"I don't even want to know anymore." I say walking over to counter and getting coffee. All of a sudden Ronnie comes running into the kitchen "Mommy! Shadow can disappear!"
She shows us and the dog vanishes and re appears when Ronnie tells the puppy to. It's quite cool actually. Then she leaves and we are back to a boring normal morning. "You drink coffee now?" Max asks me.
"I'm not 5!" I counter back.
"Your not 20 either." She states taking the coffee cup out of my hand just before I am about to take a sip.
"Hey! Give it back!"
We chase each other around the kitchen like we used to do and in under 2 minutes I tackle her to the ground, not even caring about the coffee that is flying through the air. Logan isn't doing anything, just reading his newspaper like nothing is happening. That's when Fang comes in to the kitchen and see what's going on. Just before it hits the ground he says "Your coffee." And I stop it with my mind before it shatters on the floor. I get up, grab the coffee, take one sip and walk back off to my room. My coffee, mine.

Max pov
"Morning sleepy head." I say after I pry myself off the kitchen floor.
He mumbles something but I can't tell what it was. I go over and wrap my arms around him from behind and then I place my head on his back. "I'm gonna miss you." I say.
"I'll back soon don't you worry. We are hitting only one base. I'll be back before you even know I'm gone." He takes his orange juice and goes off to pack. Oh how I'm going to miss waking up to that face for the next 3 weeks.

Short chapter! I try to make them long, I swear I do. Hope you enjoy!

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