Chapter 7

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Jean pov
We got totally ambushed. For a recon mission it's now turned into a destroying the base and getting the heck out of here mission. I think the Founders knew we would be looking and they set us up. I need to get Angel out of here, I should have never agreed to take her. Then I realize that what I dreamed about last night was now becoming reality. I start panic, "ANGEL!" I yell. Where is she? I don't hear a answer. Not good. I scan the area as I'm fighting off the crowd of bad guys. I telepathically call her name, still no answer. Either she's knocked out or dead. Please don't be the last one. I finish fighting and defeat the whole bunch of bad guys. Did I mention they have guns?! I press the rescue button that's built into my suit so that Storm and the professor know that we are in trouble. Then I go scouting for Angel. Oh gosh. There is blood everywhere. Don't get sick Jean, think of how unattractive that would be on your uniform when Scott comes. "ANGEL?!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I look for hours but not a single kid. I've lost Angel, and it's all my fault.

Angel pov
I am fighting of these crazy goons left and right when one of them shoots at me. I have so many people that I'm fighting that I just didn't have enough reaction time to stop the bullet. It hit me in the leg. I scream and go down. Then I get punched, beaten and dragged around. The last thing I see is a man holding gun above my head. When I wake up I'm surrounded by blood. It smells awful, I check myself out and notice I have a broken nose, which I set back into place, I think a cracked rib, a bullet wound in my leg which went all the way through, luckily not hitting bone, and a concussion. I wrap my leg that is already starting to heal and look around. "JEAN? JEEAAANNNN!" I yell at the top of my little lungs. I get up slowly and grab onto a near by tree. I walk around and find dead bodies, a pool of blood, and a bunch of guns. I don't see Jean, then I notice that a plane or some type of jet had landing and taken off because there was a indent in the ground. Jean must have gotten rescued. Why would she leave me? Could she not find me? I wasn't out in the open, I had rolled down a steep hill into the bush area. She couldn't have sensed me because I was unconscious. I turn around to go towards the small town I saw. I have to travel all the way down a mountain, are you kidding me? I guess it's a piece of cake now. I am down the first round about of the mountain when I hear a branch behind me snap. I turn around and then a baseball bat comes right at my head. The last thing I see is a angry Russian yelling something. Seriously? Twice in one day. My luck is pretty bad.

Charles pov
"I just got a alert that Jean's emergency button on her suit has been activated. We don't have the jet so we will have to borrow one. I'll come along and make sure everything is alright." I tel Storm. She nods and we get going. We go to airport and rent a jet. It almost looks like Beast's first model of the jet he made. By the time we get to Russia with Storm, Logan and I it's 10AM the next morning. jean is standing outside the jet. I don't see Angel, this isn't good. "Charles." She says hugging me.
"Where's Angel?" I ask.
"She....she's gone. I looked hours and hours for her but I could find anything. I called her name, I tried telepathy, heck I even moved huge fallen trees around thinking maybe she was stuck under one." She says sniffling.
"We will find her." I say.
"I didn't find a body." Jean says.
I nod and we get back on the jet. We will come back with a plan to save Angel. I will use Cerebro to find her if we have to.

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