Chapter 11

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Max pov
"Are you all packed?" I ask Fang.
"I'm only going for 3 weeks. I only need 2 more outfits."
"Gross. Pack at least 6 more outfits, I will check." I say. He puts his hands up in surrender and then goes back to the closet to pack more clothes. Boys, they think they can get away with only three outfits for 3 weeks.
"Oh and pack more underwear to, you honesty think I didn't check that either." I say.
He groans and then shoves more socks and underwear in his bag. Angel comes in and asks if she can see me for a minute.
"What is it?" I ask when we get into the hallway.
"I'm going on the mission to. I talked to the professor. The base is in Russia, I know my way around. I can help them stay out of bad areas."
"No." I say.
"It's not your decision Max. I'm old enough to make my own decisions."
"Your ten." I state.
"And a half. I can handle myself. Jean is going along to, Fang and her will keep me safe!"
"Fine but I want you to be careful."
"Aren't I always?" She says smirking and walking away.
They grow up to fast.

Angel pov
It is 8AM the next morning and everyone is ready to go. We are going to take the new jet and should get there by tonight. "Ready?" Jean asks everyone before we take off.
"More than ever." I say determined. I am going to show those Founders that I'm a force to be reckoned with. When we arrive in Moscow, the base is two hours away. I would tell you where but honestly that would be like giving my address to a stranger. "They aren't going to ambush us this time, right?" I ask jokingly. No one laughs, in fact Jean looks mad that I asked that. Okay, just trying to lighten the tension. We take a train to St. Petersburg and then walk on foot through the town till we get to the marina. They supposedly have a underground base in one of the warehouses here. These Founders and there weird hiding places. The whole place smells like rotting fish, it makes me crinkle my nose because of how strong it is. This smell could knock you out if you weren't prepared for it. The next part seems like slow motion. We sneak through the back, and get inside. The whole place has dead corpses all on the ground. They have been dead for at least two days now. Who could have done this? I soon realize that all the dead bodies are mutants. One has scales all over them, another has a body of stone, all of the bodies ranging from 3-18 year olds. "Why would they do this?" Fang asks.
"They did it to show us that if we try to destroy another base, this is what we will find waiting for us. They somehow are one step ahead of us again." I say. I've seen this strategy done at the Russian labs.
"We need to get out of here. We can't help them now. Come on." I say pulling Jean and Fang with me. Jean can't snap out of it, Fang looks awed and in his eyes I can see that he is thinking of Ronnie. "She is safe, but she isn't going to be if we don't get out of here!" I yell at him. That snaps him out of it and we run, we don't stop till we get to the train station. Even then I feel like we are being watched.
When we get back to the jet I look at Jean and ask "Did they have someone tailing us? I didn't sense anything."
"Me either, I don't know how they now!"
"We should get back to the mansion." Fang says.
"No, we have a mission to complete. We may have failed here, but they are still in Russia somewhere, while we are here we need to regroup. They will expect us to leave." I say. Then I go around the jet, looking for a tracker. That's the only way I can guess they would know when to evacuate and relocate. "Aha! Found you, you little bugger." I say happily when I went underneath the jet and found a tiny, round tracker the size of my thumb nail.
"I hate it when your right." Fang moans.
"I was just lucky." I state. "They want us to go back to the mansion? Well we will make them think we are going back to the mansion."
"How are we going to do that?"
"Well guess where we are. We are at a airport." I say. I can literally see the lightbulb come on in Fang and he takes the tracker and runs over to a near by jet. He puts it under the plane, then goes off to find the pilot I assume. "Hey." I here him say to the back of a very tall man. When he turns around, I almost fall over. It's beast. What is he doing here? Fang obviously doesn't know who he is, so I run over with Jean and then he smiles when he sees us.
"Jean. Long time no see." He says.
"It's good to see you Hank." Jean says.
"What can I help you with?" He asks.
"I need you to fly to the mansion. Just stay there for about 24 hours. Then leave the jet there and go somewhere else." I say.
"Alright?" He says.
"Thank you, oh by the way, this is Fang.' I say pointing. 'He put a tracker under your jet, it was under ours. The Founders have been tracking. Our location, we need them to think we gave up again. Please Hank, just do it."
"I will, and Angel.' He says walking back to his plane.
"Be careful." He finishes.
That's the second person who has told me that today. "It's my middle name." I say laughing and going back to our jet. There we regroup and try and find out where the new base is. Where in all of Russia could they have relocated. It's on the tip of my nose. "They moved here." I say pointing on a computer screen to a abandoned mine that was only a few miles away from the other warehouse.
"Your joking."
"I kid you not, I bet you my whole Barbie collection that they are there."
"You still play with Barbies?" Fang asks raising an eyebrow.
"You do certain stuff in your own free time, I do my own stuff in my free time. Now stop judging and focus." I yell at him. He backs down and then goes to grab our stuff from the jet. By the time we get back to St. Petersburg it's been since yesterday since I've had an actual meal. So we stop for breakfast at a local bakery called Bushe, I'm going to say this, best bread everrrrr! Okay now that I'm done fangirling over there food, it's time to get down to business. Have you ever been in abandoned mine? Thought so. Most people will say no, which is okay. But for the people that have been to one, in Russia. It's like a grave for the unfortunate. Many people got trapped in these mines when it collapsed in the early 1900s. But now they have gotten most of the bodies and rubble out, they had is as a museum for some time but a private contractor bought it over 5 years ago. Now I know that that private contractor was the Founders. They are good, but we are better. Get ready to be ambushed this time Founders. We hide behind a large rock that was never moved from the side of the entrance to the mine and then I look for any cameras, people and how we could get in. Then I think, we will do it like it was a natural cause. Get the kids out, then blow up the front entrance. It would cause a cave-in making the base collapse. "Well I have an idea." I state to Fang, who passes it to Jean, who looks at me and then nods. Then we start. No more than 4 hours later the raid was a success. We saved over 70 kids, and had destroyed another base. Two more to go, good work team. Now how are we going to fit all these kids in the jet?

So did you like it? Leave comments for suggestions, or favorite if you liked this chapter! I'm always open to any ideas or things you want me to incorporate into the book.

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