Getting rid of all the other extra numbers!

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Now it was the time to go after Bakugo and his people. First, I needed to find them and so I went up to the next roof and began running and jumping around until I could hear his explosions and cursing. Apparently, he was screaming at Denki that I was the only one left and that I needed to be the villain but Denki was telling him that there might be another person in this game that we don't know. To be honest it was one of the most intelligent things I heard from Denki.

I didn't think that he would actually think about this...

It would have been one good possibility too!

Too bad he is wrong!

Once I spotted them, I quickly jumped down to the next alley and waited for them to go past me before grabbing Mina and dragging her into the alley with my hand over her mouth preventing her from alarming the others. After that I made a cut mark on her throat before leaving her on in the alley and quickly jump on the rooftop while Aizawa was announcing her disqualification.

Aizawa: Mina Ashido, please leave the training ground.


I was on the rooftop and saw him stop in midtrack only to turn around and find that she indeed was gone.

Denki: MINA?!!!

Mina: I'm okay!

Mina came out of the alley and I saw Bakugo going at her immediately.

Bakugo: How the fuck did Deku get you?

Mina: I don't know. It all went so quickly.

Since Bakugo was at her throat and shaking her using some explosion close to her here and there, I saw that Kirishima was trying to calm Bakugo down. The only person that was not close to Mina was Kaminari looking at her perplexed. His small mind couldn't figure out what was just happening.

This was when I jumped down of the roof and made a huge cut mark all across his chest before scaling the opposite building to watch the chaos.

Denki: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

I watched him go to his knees and look at all the fake blood on him.

Aizawa: Denki Kaminari, please leave the training ground.

Denki: I'm dying!

Me: Pfff-....

I needed to hold a hand over my mouth to stop me from laughing out loud.

Kirishima: Denki-bro! Are you okay?

Denki: Noooo!!! I will die!!!

Mina: Stop being a drama queen! It doesn't hurt, does it?

Denki: No.

Mina: See!

Denki: Huh?

Bakugo went over to him to inspect the wound but only found fake blood. So, the moment he touched it and wiped it off it was very clear that Denki was not injured at all.

Bakugo: THE FUCK!

He looked at Denki and he was ready to literally explode on the poor guy. Kirishima was still doing his best to calm Bakugo down. Mina was doing it now too and but she was more trying to get Denki to calm down because of all the fake blood.

It was soo hilarious that I couldn't stop myself and busted out laughing.


Since I busted my own cover, I quickly stood up and jumped down of the roof.

Me: Yep, you were right Kacchan!

Before he could even react, I began charging at him only to change direction at the very end and making a dash mark on Kirishima since I quickly pulled out my throwing knife.

Aizawa: Ejiro Kirishima, please leave the training ground.

Kirishima: Ah man! That was way too quick but soo manly!!!

Mina: Right! He got me so fast too!

Denki: Well, it surprised me to say the least.


Me: Oh someone is an angry ass Pomeranian!!!

Bakugo: What did you just call me?

Me: You heard me perfectly fine the first time Dandelion!

At this point I would say that I had signed my death papers. He quickly went after me using his explosions and all I did was dodging every single attempt of hitting me. I didn't enjoy his punches much. They hurt a lot too!


Me: Why should I?

I took out the huge knife I had and changed from dodging to approaching him and make cut marks all over him. My goal was to make him regret his own death. That meant that I didn't stab him, nor slashed him deeply but a lot of small cut marks and just dodging after that.

It took one hour of me dodging and starting to run away from him until Aizawa was announcing his death too.

Aizawa: The villain Usagi aka Izuku Midoriya won this exercise by eliminating all the heroes. Please leave the training ground immediately.

Bakugo: WHAT THE-

Me: Ahm, Kacchan... hate to break it to you but you would have bled out by now thanks to all the cuts I made.

Bakugo: ... I'll kill you DEKU!

He began chasing after me once again and I just ran away until I saw the drone and quickly followed it out of ground beta. Once I was out, I heard an explosion behind me before I saw some scarf shooting past me.

Bakugo: mmmmmm-mmmmm-mmmmm-mm-mmm- MMMMM!!!!

Lookin around I saw that Bakugo was completely wrapped up in Aizawa's capture gear. His mouth was also silenced with it. Our homeroom caterpillar came over to us. The rest of my class was behind him as well as Nezu and Recovery Girl.

Aizawa: Good job Izuku.

That was all he said before going to Bakugo and started lecturing him.

Nezu: This was indeed a quick and simple game of war. You performed the best until now. I never saw someone eliminating their own class in a time span of 6 hours. I'm sure you could have done it a lot quicker too!

Recovery Girl: Dearie, come over and let me have a look at your hand.

I did as she told and she healed my hand from the ice I broke. After that we were escorted back to our classroom and Nezu began showing us a clip of me and what I did in these 6 hours. Both of them, Nezu and Aizawa, began pointing out our mistakes while we watched everything what happened to the others and oneself. At the end Recovery Girl also scolded Bakugo and whacked him with her cane since he would not be able to move that way like he did after what I did to him. Not to mention that it would have hurt a lot. She explained him he would have bleed out a lot faster and that he was dead the moment I decided to toy with him after making these cut marks.

Needless to say, that he didn't like her phrasing of I toyed with him... So, in the end Aizawa needed to erase his quirk again, wrap him up and put him in a corner for 15.

This was how I managed to establish a new best time and a great example on how a villain could take a couple of heroes out if he had enough power and a brain too.

A/N: Thanks for reading this short story and I hope you enjoyed it too!

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