9 was stupid and killed 10

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So, I was walking around the labyrinth in order to find my way back to where that damn Dandelion was since I ran in a random direction after being followed. Thanks to that I only had a rough idea where I was.

I could swear I came from right...

Why is this a dead end?

I came from this direction!!!

I am sure of it!

Damn it!

I am lost!

Now all this time I was telling myself that I knew where I was but after this, I was now sure I was lost. I had no clue where I was. Since that was the case there was no meaning in back tracking the path, I ran while thinking about something else. As I was about to exit the alley, I was immediately meet with Yuga Aoyama.

Aoyama: Ohh look who we have here!

Me: A butterfly?

Aoyama: Mon ami! I never would have thought that you would be the villain.

Me: Well me neither but I'm the one most wanted!

Aoyama: Now then, this will be your end Izuku or should I say Usagi.

Me: Usagi sounds better but you do know that it literally means rabbit and I can still run!

After I said that I began dashing at him and quickly took out the huge knife but to my surprise he used his quirk to shot a laser at me. This made it difficult to eliminate him immediately and so I just dodged and went out of the alley.

Aoyama: Ma cherie! There is no point in running.

Me: There is you walking glitter bomb!

I began running away from him but I apparently challenged my luck one to many time since I could see a shadow on the ground that was following me. This could only mean one thing. There was someone on the rooftop of a building and following me. Just one quick look up and I could see that it was Ojiro. His shadow was also giving him away.

Ojiro and Aoyama...

Are they working together or did he only follow that disco light?

Either way I need to eliminate them both!


Oh I know!

I quickly stopped using OfA and faked falling down. The laser didn't hit me and I heard Ojiro land on the ground to my side. It was fairly simple to play as if I was being clumsy. This meant that they both could drop their guard down while they approach me and I could attack them.

With that in mind, I quickly stood up and ran towards Ojiro. Now here comes the dumb and stupid part. As I was running, I could hear Aoyama from behind me and I saw Ojiro's eyes widen.

Aoyama: GATCHA!

As one can predict he used his laser to try and hit me while I was running at Ojiro and somewhat managed to get behind him in time. The laser hit Ojiro and I could hear his scream. It must have hurt as I could smell some burned skin and hair.

Ojiro: You crazy?

He went down and that was when I heard an announcement coming from the communication system.

Nezu: Yuga Aoyama is disqualified because of harming another teammate. Aoyama, please help Ojiro out and exit the war ground.

Aizwa: Mashiro Ojiro was deemed as collateral damage while trying to capture Usagi.

Me: That sounds like Endeavor!

Aoyama: I'm sorry, mon ami!

Ojiro: Be more careful next time!

Aoyama: I will remember your words. Are you okay though?

Ojiro: Yeah... Luckily, I used my tale to shield me from your attack so all the damage went to my tail.

Aoyama: Mon ami, I'm really sorry! I'll buy you some food as an apology.

Ojiro: You get me a chocolate cake and we forget that this ever happened.

Aoyama: Deal!

Me: Do you need help?

Ojiro: It's okay Izuku! This is his fault after all so we are good.

Me: You sure?

Aoyama: Yes! Go and get them mon ami!

Me: I will!

Ojiro: Ahhh Shish be careful don't touch my tail!

Me: I'll ask again. Are you guys sure you don't need help?

Ojiro: Nah, It's fine!

Aoyama: It was my fault after all!

Just like that I watched them both leave the war ground and follow a drone very carefully. Now all there were only a couple of people left. I knew that Tenya and Shoto were together. Bakugo was with his own small group meaning, Sato, Shoji and Hagakure were next on my kill count.

The question was where were they?


Where they alone or are they working in a group?

No matter what the answer would be I would find out soon enough! 

No matter what the answer would be I would find out soon enough! 

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