11, 12 and 13 were hiding

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I was currently hiding in a shadow and walking around the city when I suddenly managed to pick up some whispering above me coming from a building. All the buildings had no windows and so it made things a little bit easier.

Shoji (whispering): SHH!!! I can hear someone!

Hagakure (whispering): Get ready!

Sato (whispering): I'm ready!

Ohh I'm ready too!

What were you all planning?

An ambush or were you just hiding there like scared little bunnies?!

Though I must say I'm the killer bunny here!

Still as hero you guys should do better than waiting for an opportunity!

Didn't anyone tell you to make one?

Like it is a hero's job to even the playground!

The moment I heard whispering coming from a close window, I decided to stop walking and listen. Apparently, Shoji, Sato and Hagakure were all together hiding from me. They probably were not hiding but more like spying on this street and waiting for an opportunity instead of walking around with a huge red mark on their backs like the others.

It wasn't stupid to do something like this but at the same time it also was. Like an opportunity will never just come by when you call it. They definitely need to make one instead.

As I was thinking that I began listening to their conversation even more.

Hagakure (whispering): I wonder if they are okay?

Shoji (whispering): They will be!

Sato (whispering): They are gone for a while now.

Hagakure (whispering): I hope nothing happened to Momo and her group.

Shoji (whispering): I don't think so. It was her idea after all.

Hagakure (whispering): Still... I can't help but worry.

Sato (whispering): Don't worry they will either catch Usagi or try to make him run this way so that we could ambush them. It is a good idea after all.

Hagakure (whispering): Who do you think Usagi is?

Shoji (whispering): It might be Bakugo or Shoto. Maybe even Izuku.

Sato (whispering): I say Bakugo since we heard his explosions earlier but not him being eliminated.

Shoji (whispering): Fair point. We should be quiet now. I need to focus!

The moment he said that I thought it was a good idea to come into the room through the window like a normal person and so I powered up OfA and ran to the opposite building that was parallel to it only to turn and go straight through the window. However instead of going through the window I decided to jump and crouch on it.

Me: Whoever said I might be the villain was right.

With that I jumped into the room. I could tell that I scared them as I saw Hagakure try to remove her gloves in order to be completely invisible. She was so nervous that she couldn't do that instantly and so I went behind her and made a cut mark on her neck.

Aizawa: Toru Hagakure, please leave the training ground.

Sato: TOUR!

Hagakure: Huh... That didn't hurt at all..

Me: Yeah these weapons don't hurt. They only leave a red line or fake blood on a costume.

Hagakure: Oh...

Me: Can you go outside for a bit?

Hagakure: Sure and good luck guys!

With that I released her and we waited until she exited the room before we continued our fight. The moment she was out, I powered up OfA and threw the knife I had in my hands at Sato. We were all relatively close to each other so there was no way I could have missed a throw like that with a huge ass knife.

Aizawa: Rikido Sato, please leave the training ground.

I didn't even wait for him to leave the room since I was fighting Shoji in a close combat battle. I had 2 throwing knifes still with me but I didn't get an opportunity to get them out and so I began punching, jump kicking, dodging and also throwing myself on him which kinda a dumb idea.

So, what happened?

Since nothing worked, I decided to go behind him and throw myself around his neck and chock him. It wasn't hard to get behind him while ducking and sidestepping him. The whole time I had my presence erased and once I was behind him, I used the wall to get on his back.

Shoji: Get off me!

Me: AAhh!

I was holding onto his neck and began chocking him. As desperately as he was, he began slamming his back to the wall in order to get me off him and even tried to grab me which didn't worked really well.

Me: Uff!

He was pushing his back against the wall and I could feel how hard it became to breathe but I still didn't want to let go of him. After a couple more tries to ran against the wall with his back, he went down on his knees. It was the exhaustion in combination with the chocking I did that got him down.

Aizawa: Mezo Shoji, please leave the training ground.

The moment I heard that I let him go and he began gasping for air.

Shoji: That's some seriously death grip you have there.

Me: You didn't give me much of a choice.

After that we went down and said or farewell. They followed the drone and I was about to find the rest and eliminate them in one go too. However, before we parted, they all wished me luck. The whole exercise only started like 3 hours ago and I already had soo many of them eliminated. This was indeed a fast and simple exercise not like the others that usually end up with me and broken bones.

 This was indeed a fast and simple exercise not like the others that usually end up with me and broken bones

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