twelve; malignant

Start from the beginning

"You think?" Lilith questioned, tilting her head. "Shouldn't you know? You've wanted to do this for how many years and why do you need her?"

"I know that along with my father, one of her relatives created this world and I just didn't think I'd ever get the chance," Kai chuntered, placing the ascendant on the floor. He placed his hands in his lap, looking up at her.

"What if only one of us make it out?" Asked Lilith, her tone quieter than usual.

"Then I hope you're good at making friends." Kai smiled.

It was just hitting night time when Lilith heard Bonnie come back to the Boarding House, this was the tenth time the two had had an argument.

She had heard Kai come down once, mess around in the kitchen then go back up to the room whilst Damon danced and drunk to his heart's content as he walked around upstairs. She wondered how Kai was so skillful at dodging people as she fell asleep.

Upstairs Kai was laying on his back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as his hands fiddled with the ascendant, his mind was racing. He was excited, he would be able to get out after all these years of waiting; he was confused, was only one person going to make it; he was partially saddened, he would miss Lilith. His mind then wondered about the girl. Would she miss him? Of course, she would, she's in love with him. It was so obvious; he actually felt that tiniest bit guilty for using her love for him against her.


He then began to think about the other two problems, the useless witch, and the useless vampire. Damon was going to get in the way, he knew that, and Bonnie was bound to put up a fight. He grinned; he wanted to play with them for a little bit first, maybe send out Lilith first, get her to become friends with the witch.

Kai liked that idea and decided to tell Lilith it only to realise she was still downstairs. He groaned and threw the ascendant on the bed, carefully getting up trying not to make a sound. He narrowly missed any of the squeaky steps, his long legs been able to skip a few stairs at a time.

Luckily, he still had the tiniest bit of magic stored in him, he knew the locator spell would drain the rest but his laziness overpowered his reasonable side. He closed his eyes, muttering the spell under his breath has navigated his way through the house. His eyes snapped open when he heard Bonnie in the kitchen and carefully sneaked passed her.

Kai eventually found Lilith with her back against the wall, tucked in next to the wooden cabinet, dead to the world whilst the slightest snores escaped her. Kai battled against himself whether to wake her up or leave her there to be caught. Which would suffice?

He decided to squat down next to her, shaking her shoulder roughly, rousing her from her sleep. "What?" She groaned, rubbing her eyes almost sore.

"I've come up with this epic plan, that I really need to tell you before it's too late," he said, his tone held excitement as he dragged her up onto her feet. He hooked his arm around hers, his grin prominent as he began to explain to the drowsy Lilith. "I need you to befriend little Bon Bon, okay?"

Lilith frowned. "Bon Bon?"

Kai shrugged. "I heard Damon call her it," he said. He eyed her angry pout and chuckled darkly, squeezing her arm with his. "Now, now, Lilly, don't get jealous," he purred, his face close to hers, his breath hitting her neck.

Lilith felt her heart constrict and tighten, like it was almost strangling itself as he got closer and closer to her and then when he pulled away, her heart let it all go, the blood flowing through her.

Kai stopped himself from wincing at the hurt expression on her face and tugged her up the stairs. "You need to be friendly with her, you can't say anything about me, you don't know I am here," said Kai as they entered the bedroom.

He walked over to the bed and sat down on it, picking up the ascendant. He played around with it as he let Lilith think over the plan. He felt the bed dip beside him and looked up at her expectantly.

"Why do I need to befriend her?" She asked softly, taking the ascendant from his hands. She twisted and turned it, assessing every little piece of the metal.

"Because she's lonely, she's in a place with someone she doesn't really feel compatible with, what she needs is a friend to talk to, someone she can trust," he explained. He took a deep breath and grabbed one of her hands, taking them in both of his. "Kind of like what you did with me, instead, this time, it's false."

Lilith knew what he was doing. He was buttering her up, using her emotions against herself so she would do what he would like. But what made her feel so stupid, was the fact that she still willingly did what he asked of her. All in the name of love.

Unrequited love. Nasty thing.

Lilith nodded, letting herself get lost in his eyes as they held hands, her memorising every little detail about him. The callouses on his hands, the smooth surface on the back of his hands, how his seemed to drown hers into dwarf size. She revelled in it.

Kai on the other hand, had been absorbing her magic little by little, muttering a spell to keep her vacant whilst he did this. It was harsh but it was needed, his squeezed her hands one last time before letting the spell disperse. His lips so came to her temple. "Thank you for the generous donation," Kai whispered before placing a faint kiss on her temple before pulling away.

Lilith hissed as he began to walk away, her hand pressing against her stomach. "Kai," she said shakily, her breath coming out in pants as she bent over, her head resting on her knees as the pain shot up her spine.

"I'd get comfortable, that pains going to be there for quite some time." He smirked and closed the bedroom door softly leaving Lilith alone to deal with the pain.

Lilith lifted up her shirt, seeing the bloody mess just above her hip.

'Soul Branded by Malachai Parker.'

Lilith let out a cry of dismay as the burning pain began to increase, her body trying to heal the deep cuts. Her soul was branded by him?

A/N: oh guys, there's an authors note in the comments but I'd like to tell you about MidnightMinho's upcoming book called Malignant, it's all about Kol, I tell you guys it's forming into an epic book so keep a look out!! 

You know, if she decides to publish it ;D

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