Chapter-45(The end)

Start from the beginning

He examined the plan.

Mr Kim:Okay guys we can do it.Its the last one.Lets get together.

They all nodded and started preparing for taking up the positions.Everyone settled them selves at the planned points while Jin ,namjoon and Mr Kim Entered building with heavy steps looking for the trap .

RM:Why is it so barren?Where would they even be?

He whispered.

Jin:I think there is a room above as well let's go.
As they were moving upstairs Jin's eyes caught a beeping light.He quietly signalled RM about it who clicked it's pic secretly from the hidden wrist watch In his hand and transferred to Suga In a way no one noticed.

There they reached the front door which was quite odd for the building as the building was barren but the foor completely polished.
They fixed themselves before going in when Suga spoke In his ear piece.

Suga;Guys be careful it's self destroyer camera with a bomb implanted.

Everyone gulped at his statement.

Suga: Listen jungkook ,Jimin,jhope and taeYouguys need to be really aware of what's around send me asap if you see something strange.

They all affirmed his statement and became much more aware if each step they took.
Cold sweat came running the down the trios head as they were about to enter the room.
They knocked up the door which opened in seconds and revealed a figure on the revolving chair with its back towards them.

The person smiled with a cunning smirk
???:I knew it you would come...Little brother.

Mr Kims throat struck as the person turned around.

Mr Kim:D-dong sik?!

Ding sik:Yeah me.After all I had right to know what my younger brother is doing these days isn't it.Seems he got a beautiful wife and children.Never invited me bro.

He spoke with a cunning smile.

Mr Kim:Why are you here back again when you already left with more than half of the wealth huh?Stop ruining my family now.

Dong-sik:Ruining your family huh?So you wanna play family family?Lets begin.

He spoke as he pressed the button of the  remote in his hand which blasted out the building at several places revealing Suga and minha who have already been caught.

"Minnha" "Suga!"

They shouted seeing them in arrest of his men.
Mr Kim closed his eyes in frustration and spoke.

Mr Kim:Dong sik !Stop playing with my family!!

Dong-sik:Oh no bro i am enjoying it!Lets begin it.

Not even a second when a no. Of bullets were being fired upon them but they managed to dodge them somehow.
The maknaes came inside breaking the door counter firing them.

He said as he passed the revolvers to RM and Jin while Jungkook took Mr Kim out of the place.
They were Fightin with the men when they saw  Dong sik running out.
Jimin ran Behind him as he punched the back of his head tackling him to the ground.

He was continously punching him until he felt cold metal on back of his head.He turned his head sideways to find everyone under control of his men kneeling down.

Jimin:mommmm!Daddd! Hyunggggg!

He shouted shocked .He was just sk outraged rn he grabbed the gun holder at his back and threw him to the ground completly forgetting dong siks Presence.

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