In the future....maybe? Maybe not?
(Warning If you don't read the manga maybe don't read this. I don't read it but I spoil myself with Twitter and TikTok so I know a little bit of whats going on. ANYWHO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

The sound of the door opening and closing snapped me out of my deep thoughts. It's been happening a lot lately. Being unable to focus, constantly falling out of reality and into a completely different world. A world where he.......he was still around. A world where he chose us...and not some other path.

Warm hands were placed on my arms as I felt the familiar heat of someone's lips on the back of my neck. I forced a smile as I turned my head to see the familiar face I've grown to love over the years.
"How was patrol?" I ask him. He removes his hands from my arms and trails them down until they're placed on my growing stomach.
"Long, a building was set on fire luckily we were able to get everyone out." He sighs heavily, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.
"Were you hurt?" I ask him in concern.
"Just a few scratches, nothing big." He replies. Before I could ask him a question, one I asked everytime he came home, a question he hated me to ask because deep down he knew he wouldn't be able to give me the answer I craved; The sound of small feet came down the hall, followed by giggles.

He removed himself from me and turned around to see a bouncing little girl rush towards him. Her eyes bright crimson like his own but her hair resembling mine.
"There's my little firework." He beams at her as he scoops her up into his arms. She giggled and wrapped her small arms around his large body.
"Did you get the bad guys today?!" She asked in excitement.
"Of course I did! What kind of hero would I be if I didn't catch all the bad guys to keep you and mommy safe?" He grins cockily. I roll my eyes as I smile at them.

She adored her father more than anything. He was her number 1 hero, her world, and wanted to be just like him. She not only had his explosive personality but explosive quirk as well, mixed with mine. She was a force to be reckoned with, just like Katsuki...aka Dynamite.

"Can I watch tv before dinner daddy?" She asks her dad.
"Hmmm I don't know about that one, gotta ask mamma." He grins down at her before they both look over at me.
"That's fine but when I call dinner, your butt better be in your chair at the table. Okay missy?" I instruct her. She nods as she wiggles out of her fathers embrace. Before she dashes off to the living room, she pecks my belly and giggles.
"Hi Izuku." She hums to my belly before running off. I smile as I watch her run off before looking over at Katsuki who now had a sad expression. I knew why and I knew better than to ask. We would be bringing our son into this world, named after one of best friends who was nowhere to be found....Just a legend.....A shadow....

He was the one that came up with the name and it shocked me. He didn't really like talking about him. Maybe because of the path he chose or maybe because he knew deep down....I still loved Izuku. But he was gone and I needed to realize that.

When he left Katsuki and I became closer and closer, bonding over our shared pain until it grew into something more. After UA, we became pro heros and then we got married. While I was pregnant with our little girl, I took a break and than once she was born I went back into the hero business. But now that I'm pregnant with our little boy, I decided to retire completely and focus on parenting. I help out at Katsuki' agency though, filling out required papers, bringing in new interns, and other stuff. It wasn't the life I trained for but I knew parenting and being a hero would be stressful especially if something happened to both of us....

I didn't plan on this life. Honestly I thought I'd be with someone else and doing other things but I'm happy. And Katsuki has made me feel loved, safe, and has brought me comfort in my darkest times....So I should just forget Izuku.....

I go over to Katsuki and wrap my arms around his torso, doing my best to hold him with my giant belly in the way.
"I think sometime this week we should call your mom, have her watch lil one and go out for a date night when you don't have to work." I suggest. He looks down at me, placing his hands on my hips as he grins.
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Where would you want to go?" He asks me, starting to sway me back and forth a bit.
"Mmmmm how about our favorite ramen spot?" I suggest. He lets out a small laugh at my suggest.
"We haven't been there since we were in school Y/n, I doubt it's still there."
"It is, I looked it up dummy." I argue.
            "Okay idiot we'll go. I'll take you on Thursday since that's my day off, I'll go call mom." He chuckles. He kisses my cheek before releasing me and heading back to our shared bedroom.

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