Forest Of The Taken

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The boy wandered through the forest, causing the fallen branches and dead fall leaves to crackle and snap under his foot. The longer he walked, the harder it was for him to breathe. His shaggy, dyed black hair hung over one side of his face, covering one of his scarlet blood eyes. His pale skin matched the blanket of snow and frost that littered the ground, as well as the cloud of fog that had rolled in, making it hard to see the tree that had appeared right in front of him.

As a thunk resounded around the forest, he put a hand up to hold his forehead as he stopped, Bending over to lean on his knees, a heavy sigh escaping his mouth. His eyes searched all around him, searching for what was the cause of the loud foot falls that continued to get closer and closer. As fear began to course through him, his slender hand reached up to his throat, closing around a tiny, corked bottle filled with what looked like purple sparkles.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood non end, alerting him to turn around, only to be met with a sheer darkness, like that of a cloak made from the Night sky. He barely had time to gasp before a hand was placed over his mouth with force enough to tell him to be quiet. Shivers ran down his entire body as he felt a needle press into the tender skin of his neck, injecting a liquid that was almost clear, save for a maroon tint. The liquid felt cold as it slowly made its way through the boys veins and blood. As it made its way to his brain, his eyelids began to feel like they were being pulled down by chains until he finally allowed himself to succumb to sleep.

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