The Real Hell

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After they had fallen through the wormhole to Hell, Lunar could see that the description the Devil had given was only to bait him down to the false warmth. It was a cold place, so cold that even Skull had a shiver run down his spine, though it was hidden by his cloak. Lunar's arms flew to cover as much of his chest as he could, trying to keep warm in this seemingly frozen prison for lost souls. They floated around, the souls of the dead and mislead, looking for closure that would never find them. There were old men who were so pale that they looked gray, some of their missing teeth drawing attention away from this nearly bald heads that had little strings coming out in gentle waves. There were also young ones, running around as though they had all the energy in the world yet had no knowledge of their early deaths. It made Lunar question how souls so you could have committed sin enough to end up in this strand Hell.

A huge church-like castle stood before the group, its Gothic spines pointing up to the dark abyss that lay far above them. Its arches were works of art, stories above the ground that was covered in rotting corpses and broken bones.The trees that leaned in on the path that led to the ominous place had bodies hanging from them, the ropes straining the dead branches, threatening to fall on the next passerby's head. The tall doors that lead into the haunting entranceway had skulls and bones carved into the dark charcoal that rubbed onto the Devil's hand as he pushed them open. After the group had all gone into the castle and the door closed behind them, the Devil turned to look at them, the nearly translucent red cape that hung from his closely fitted, ripped up shorts to wrap around his muscular legs before falling peacefully to the ground.

"Reaper, lay down your cloak and scythe. Angel, lay down that necklace you hide so well under your suite. Karkurat, dear friend, lay down your daggers. Luna- Human, lay down any weapons you may have, there is no need for aspects of violence here."

They all did as he had instructed, laying their possessions on the cold, rough, bumpy ground around them. Skull dropped his scythe to the floor, letting it slice through the air before it clanged on the floor. He then allowed his cloak to slip from his shoulders, revealing his body that looked as though just enough skin had been pulled over his bones, the vertebrae in his spine looking like spikes, his ribs creating a cavern between themselves, his hip bones protruding from the cloth that hid his privates, yet not the way there was almost a foot of space between his thighs. Arms trying to cover his already almost gone body, his eyes looked to the ground, away from the others shocked eyes. Damon shook his head and reached under his snowy hair and his silky suit collar to unclip the necklace, laying it on the ground, the claw holding onto the garnet beginning to roll on its side slightly as Karkurat removed the daggers that had been on the insides of his thighs. Lunar shrugged, seeing as how the the Reaper and the Angel had taken his pocket knife when they captured him.

Nodding, their leader lead them farther and farther into the dimly lit passages and down almost pitch black and falling apart stairways. After a few minutes, they finally got to the place where they all felt Lunar might gain his memory back. It was a room that took on the shape of a dome and was filled with fire and screams of agony, anger, fear, sorrow, pain, and so many more horrendous things. Some souls seemed to be being tortured with pain and others their fears. Some were even being forced to relive their deaths. Suicide, car crash, stabbing, murder, robbery gone wrong, cop shooting, bombings, war, famine, disease. All so horrible, yet some so impossible to escape.the others had thought wrong, all this did to Lunar was scar him. It broke his mind, ripping it apart and dissecting it so carefully all at once, his knees meeting the hot ground as a scream erupted from his throat and rushed from his mouth. His eyes scruntched shut, letting no more images of horror in, hands covering his ears so that the only scream he could hear was his own, bouncing around his head. All the Reaper, Angel, Demon, and Devil could do was watch helplessly as their one hope was seemingly torn from them due to their silly mistake for facing him with so much before he could even regain his memories of his own past horrors.

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