Sad Demons

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Lunar's face lost the tiny bit of color it had. This can't be happening, no way in hell. It all seemed too much for his shut out mind. He had lost any words he had planned on saying, allowing the Reaper to decide to take the scythe off of the human's throat.

"My name is Skull, if you couldn't tell from my face." The cloaked figures voice was stern and rough, unlike the Angles soft and whimsical sing-song voice. "Now, keep moving," spoke Skulk with a snarl as the small boy nodded and followed Damon. The farther they went into the long maze of hallways, with every turn they took, it got darker and colder. Neither of the celestial beings seemed bothered by it, the Angel even starting to gain a faint glow, but Lunar started to shiver, being in only a thin black T-shirt and some black skinny jeans. His sneakers weren't doing any good to keep his feet warm either.

Finally, they came to a double door where Skull and Damon stood on either side before pushing the doors open at the same time, revealing a strange, slightly terrifying creature. It was far taller than any being Lunar had ever seen, being almost ten stories tall. It looked like a Minotaur, with hooved feet, human hands, and ripped up shorts hanging from his fit waist. Steam was slowly coming from its bull-like nostrils as it turned to see the three standing at its feet. It looked disgusted when Damon flew up to try and speak with it, landing on its only horn the wasn't almost broken to a nub.

"Come now, won't you help us to try and find the lost souls? Or at least Lunar's? You know what'll happen when he regains his soul, right?"

"Why would I know? No one informs me of anything, especially you damned Angels and Reapers, all I hear is rumors spread by other demons." His voice was mighty, filling the whole room. He walked around the gigantuous room, from shelf to shelf, moving huge books to different places and flipping through some. Damon seemed rather irritated by how hardheaded the bull was being.

"Be that way, but once Lunar regains his soul and realizes who he is, then all the Demons will be freed from their cells, and returned to the hell from where they came and called home. Then you won't HAVE to deal with us 'Angels and Reapers'."

A scowl grew on the Minotaur's face and he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the pure being on his horn. "Do you try to tease me out of cruelty? I never did anything, you locked me up here, made me huge so I could never escape, simply because I was the Devil's favored Demon, which I never chose to be. I don't deserve to be here and I would never want to help you, no matter what 'prize' I might claim."

Seeing that the Angel was getting them no where and becoming intrigued by the conversation, Lunar decided to but-in. Cupping his hands around his mouth to project his voice, he yelled, "Don't you want freedom? Don't you want to be out of this cavernous cell? I can help you if you help us find my soul, that's all we need!"

The bull bowed on one knee so that he could see the human better. "I just want to be gone, away from this world and anything in it, but that will never happen, seeing as demons cannot die. If I do help you, however, will I be able to be small again?"

"Yes! You can be small again, just please help us!"

The Minotaur nodded and looked at Damon, who had decided it better to fly then stand on the pissed demon. With a sigh, he began to speak in a foreign tongue, incantations flowing from his hands and shrinking the bull till he was back to his normal size, standing just a head shorter than Skull.

The Reaper looked at the Demon with a nod before speaking.

"It's nice to see you again Karkurat."

"No ones called me by that in a long time Reaper, its nice to know someone remembers it."

There was sorrow in Karkurat's voice which was now soft and gentle in a way. Lunar took a step in front of the Minotaur, trying to dissect him in a way, to figure out why the Demon was so sad. The bulls golden eyes watched the humans red ones, before putting a hand in his shoulder. "If you are who I think, it's a thrill." The boy was confused but shrugged, speaking indifferently, "I don't even know who I am anymore, so don't get too excited."

The hand fell from Lunar's shoulder as Damon came to stand with them, not speaking before walking out of the room, motioning for the others to follow. He turned back the way they had came, not waiting to see if the others did follow or not. Lunar was the first to exit and go after Damon, Karkurat and Skull following in suite. This was about to be a long and tiring day.

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