Lost Ghosts

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After they had gotten out of the maze of hallways and doors that hid demons, Lunar realized that they had ended up back in the forest where his last bits of memory ended. Karkurat seemed puzzled by the snow, asking the human what it was and acted in complete amazement at the word snow. Skull and Damon just rolled their eyes and kept walking, even after they both got hit with snowballs, the snow exploding on Damon's suit and Skull's cloak, making it look like the night sky. Lunar held in a chuckle briefly before running ahead of the others to where an old, beaten path lay. He placed his hand on his brow bone, keeping it flat to try to see through the still prevalent fog. Little did it help him to see a carriage header straight for him, his only savoir being Damon, grabbing him and flying him well above the carriage, which flew past with out even a slow in speed.

Both were panting harshly by the time their feet landed on the ground, causing the lowest hanging fog to swirl around them. Lunar looked highly confused as to why the others, even Damon, had basically no reaction.

"Is there something I'm missing, or did I almost get hit by a carriage that had two huge black horses stampeding towards me?!"

"Calm down, it was a ghostly mirage, nothing more, Damon just overreacted." Skull went into detail, explaining that ghostly mirages were simply memories of the past playing out, yet not affecting, the present. Damon told Karkurat to lead the way to wherever the hell they were going. As Lunar listened to bits and pieces of all their conversations he gathered it was some sort of burial ground or sacrificial area. After a few minutes of no one talking to him, he started watching the ground, the pebbles roll as his shoes sent them off. He began to notice a worn line pattern in the ground, under all the rocks, and started to follow it, not realizing that he had broken off from the other three.

When Skull turned to tell the not that they had arrived and realized that they had losses the one that they needed, he cursed himself out for a moment before leading the others, backtracking all their footprints in the snow to exactly when he started to wander off. Once they found his small foot falls, they followed them, into the other, darker side of the forest. Eventually they found him, but not quite the way they had remembered him. Something had tied him to a tree and beaten the living daylights out of him. He had dries blood and tears all over his shirt, a gash in his right cheek that had a steady flow of blood coming from it, dripping off his jaw line. Blood was coming from behind his ear and the back of his neck, which was only visible because of how low Lunar's head was leaning down. Parts of his pants were sticking to his leg, presumably from dried blood as well. Using his scythe, Skull cut the rope that wrapped around the tree's base, having Damon catch Lunar so that he would fall to the ground and have a rather rude awakening. After making sure whatever had done this wasn't following then, they headed back to the path, and all the way back to the sacrificial stone monument, laying the unconscious, wounded boy on one of the flat tables. Skull looked to Damon with heavy eyes.

"Let's hope this works.....with no more pain caused to the boy," he spoke as he first had when they met in that glowing white room, softly and sorrowfully, as he spoke the incantations of the Devil.

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