Being Kyoka Jirou's Younger Brother

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-Big Feminist (As you should)

-You're very protective over your older sister.

-You love to learn new instruments or songs with her

-You tend to get into fights to protect your friends like your dad taught you too. Though now people call you a delinquent.

-You have no aspirations to be a hero. Your more into making support items.

-When you heard about the USJ attack you honestly threatened to take down the LOV on your own and you were prepared to back it up. Your parents didn't let you though bummer.

-You and Kyoka get dango together a lot and you refuse to get it with anyone else. One time Kyoka got it on her own with some friends without you and you felt so betrayed. She cheered you up with your favorite food.

-You met Eri and Kota when you were dropping something off for Kyoka while they were on a playdate. Your parents suggested you spend time with your sister but when they left Kyoka had to go to a study group. So you hung out with them instead. You and Eri became friends but you and Kota became best friends. 

-You get to meet the Pussycat Agency Team though you didn't like them. They were just to much. But it was worth it for Kota. You also tease him whenever he fanboys over Deku. He tries to do the same with you and Kyoka but your response is always "Are you joking?! Of course i'm fanboying over her look how cool she is!"

-Your favorite instruments are the flute and saxophone (sorry im a band kid and i play the flute)

-When older your quite popular Kota usually gets irritated at this fact.

-Kyoka introduced you to Mei Hatsume due to your fascination with support items. She honestly scares you but her inventions never fail to amaze you!

-You really liked Clemont from Pokemon XY because you thought his inventions were cool even if they had stupid names and always exploded.

-You helped Kyoka design and re-design her costume all the time in fact you came up with her boots. She shows this off anytime she can.

-You don't get embarrassed easily only in front of Kyoka. Like one time you tripped when she was walking you to home from school. You stayed in you room for a week.

-When you saw her at the Hero Too concert. It made you so happy because she was so happy. You had your mom save the video on her phone and when you got older you had her send it to you. Now whenever your feeling down you just watched the video and it made you feel better. 87% of the time it worked.

-At the Hero Training Camp is when you trust started breaking from UA. Them getting attacked was happening too much times and you started to stress over your sister's safety. Then they introduced the dorms. You get really upset at the and even more so when your parents accepted. Eventually you forced yourself to get over it when deep down you knew there was still a grudge.

-You didn't care too much if Kyoka had a lover/partner. As long as they treated her right and if they didn't the needle fairy appeared and cursed their shoes.

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