Being Shoto Todoroki's Older Brother

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-When Shoto got in trouble, you did too by either breaking something or just doing something worse than what Shoto did to save him

-Being 2nd oldest after Touya you protected them with your life. Every beating they had you would endure for them. They knew you would die for them and it concerned them.

-Being an adult you moved away so the other Todoroki siblings came to your house invited or not. Announced or not since no one came by usually. Every time your father comes to see if they're there it's like that one meme "is shoto here?""you know what *window crash* they just left"

-You don't bother repairing windows since you know it's gonna happen more times. But your siblings worried about people breaking in so they tried opening the window rather than jumping through it.

-Shoto never knew your profession since he never asked but he didn't expect you come to Class 1-A to teach hand to hand combat. Apparently you were an Martial Arts master and had a license for weapons that you could use which were mostly guns."Onii-chan?" "Yo sho forgot you went here" "Can you train me at your house too then?" "sure". The class was pretty shocked you knew each other

-You weren't a hero more like a secret agent for the heroes. So you couldn't use your quirk but you could use a variety of weapons mostly guns but their were knives and swords too.

-You were on a mission seeing where the Hero Killer could be. Good News You found him!. Bad News your little brother is fighting him with 2 other kids. At the last minute you got a gun and sniped from your area. You dropped down on him and pinned him down"You guys are in huge trouble" They gulped as they got yelled at by you how dangerous it was to go in there without pro heroes and it was just luck that you saved them.

-Dabi? That's Touya yeah you know who he is. When he ran away he got caught... by you that is. You let him go though you thought it was best for him I mean he was covered in bandages that hid burn marks. So when you saw Touya as Dabi for the first time you were confused as to why he looked familiar then those blue flames danced in his hands and you knew it was your "Onii-chan! I missed you!" "Alright I missed you too" "Alright go away I work for the heroes if they saw this i'm gonna get fired" "so?" "It's my way of living in this fucked up society"

-The first time Shoto walked was so you gave him a piggy back ride. His first word was ice. Oh it must be because of his it wasn't. It was sometime ago and Shoto was with you when you stubbed you toe you were about to let out a series of bad words but you realized Shoto could hear you. You looked and saw your mom remembering her quirk this is what you said instead. "Freezing Icicles! What the Ice! Oh my icing god! Owowowowo!" "Ice" Fuyumi wasn't really happy.

-When he spotted you trying to save a friend in one of the weirdest disguises he got irritated. "Shoto what the hell is this?" All 5 froze especially Shoto, Iida and Midoriya. "Hi Onii-chan. Um well just let us do this please!" ... they all waited for your response even the people that don't know you has heard stories from the 3. "I'll be supervising you guys if anything goes wrong ." they let out a breath they were holding.

-At the U.A Sports Festival. You wanted to congratulate Shoto for 2nd place. Instead he sees Endeavor scolding him. You drag him away despite Endeavor chasing you. You offer to let him stay the night and he gladly says yes.

-During the Heroes Rising you were proud and you took him from Endeavor to congratulate him with whatever you think he deserves. Yeah Endeavor wasn't happy but who gives a fuck?

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