Being Kyoka Jirou's Older Brother

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-You strive to be a musician that makes people at peace

-You were so proud of Kyoka for wanting to be hero

-When Kyoka came out as a bisexual you immediately came out as (sexuality) to support her. If your straight you got her a bi flag because yes. (homophobes are not acceptable. leave if you are one)

-When Kyoko got a boyfriend/girlfriend your actually super chill unless they gave you bad vibes if they did you will threaten them to either nicely break up with her or treat her well until she decides to break it off

-You love to help her with anything it makes you feel proud she feels like she can rely on you

-When you met the Bakusquad they all thought you really nice and calming Kyoka loves having someone like you as an older brother even Bakugou liked you

-If you ever got a loved one she'd be so happy for you

-"Seriously!? Yes!"

-"So about children..."

-"You guys are relationship goals."

-At the USJ attack you were so worried about her your parents made you go sleep and when she got home she felt sorry you were so worried about her. You often worried about her getting PTSD, depression or any trauma but you were just overreacting.

-When the Sports Festival happened you were so proud of her for just doing her best.

-When the Training Camp exact same thing except you also comforted her about Bakugou and being in such an intense situation

-When the school festival Kyoka asked you for lots of tips since you helped at concerts. You stopped by the School Festival and cried about your sister and her class doing so well. 

-When you met her class the girls literally fell in love, the boys (Mineta and Kaminari) glared at him Kyoka glared right back 2x harder.

-Nicknames for her: Music Note, Kyo, Cutie

-Nicknames for you: Lyric, (shortened version of your name), 

-When she was little you always loved singing her to sleep and seeing her at peace. Sometimes even now she asks for lullabys

-One time someone tried attacking Class 1-A on a field trip with you helping with supervision (because let's get real Aizawa needs some help) and went for Kyoka first. The big brother instincts turned on and you bashed his/her/their head in with a guitar.

-When Kyoka gets sick your there right away. Your like a nurse. Kyoka gets a little annoyed about the babying but she knows it's all good intention

-Your kinda famous on social media so you get recognized a lot. Your obviously known for your music. But your also known for being a sweetheart with piercings. Theirs not a lot of piercing but their is quite a few.

-On birthdays you have this tradition between you two. The tradition is decorating each others instruments with a random doodle.

-During the Heroes Rising  you were extremely worried. When you saw she was ok you didn't overreact because after all the bullshit they went through you were used to it.

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