Being Kyoka Jirou's Older Sister

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-You are probably the best big sister like the perfect mix of caring and chill

-If Kyoka ever came out you probably wouldn't care too much but would show you cared and accepted her in a subtle but loving way

-You would so give her love advice. Like red signs or when she should call it off.

-You are definitely close. Like your the very first person she goes to when she has a problem.

-You guys share playlists. In fact you may as well have made Kyoka's playlist because you introduce her to a new song every time you guys hang out.

-You guys sometime mess around making songs since you were little.

-You want to be a music teacher and Kyoka's respects you a lot for that.

-Your students love Kyoka when she comes by. She's really good with kids. 

- You met Eri when she said she wanted to learn an instrument. Kyoka suggested Eri should go to you to Aizawa. It was wonderful the students accepted Eri with wide arms. Eri makes multiple friends and she now knows how to play the ukulele. Though Aizawa hated it when she came home playing it in the middle of the night not knowing quite how to play correctly quite yet.

-If you or her ever get lovers you guys will react so calmly. Unless they give bad signs you will tell each other to drop them. And you guys trust each other so much the other will break up faster than Aizawa can go to sleep.

-At the USJ attack you were so worried and angry that anyone hurt or tried to hurt her. The heroes at the scene could feel and touch the anger off of you.

-During the Sports Festival you were so proud of her that she did so well even she didn't get top ranks.

-At the training camp you were actually about to go after the league of villains yourself and murder them. But the pro heroes prevented you from smashing their heads with a keyboard.

-When you met her class they loved your vibe. Bakugou was pretty calm around you too. You just didn't give off any hostile energy. Unless it's Mineta trying to touch your sister's friends.

-Nickname for her:  Kyo, Sweetie(When comforting her), and Berry

-Nickname for you: Really just (shortened version of your name)

-You love meeting old students you used to have. They love giving you gifts as thank you for teaching them. Sometime music is actually their career and since you taught them you basically built their career.

-During Heroes Rising you were proud of her for defeating villains without pro heroes along wither her class.

-When she got her when she was little you had cute bandages that made her feel better.

-You sang her lullabies and she falls asleep almost right away. No matter how old she is it works.

-Whenever she got hit on or catcalled you had a 'talk' with the person in the alleyway. Kyoka still wonders how they always end up in the hospital. You 'never' knew.

-When the school festival happened you came by to help the students with the instruments.

-One time Aizawa couldn't come in. Since he trusted you, you came by to watch the students. They loved you especially the quiet ones because you were chill. And the rowdy ones actually behaved. You helped them with whatever they needed. Kyoka loved having you by. The girls loved you because you helped them drama, boy/girls, makeup and outfits. 

-You like taking the girls out to the mall. 

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