Being Katsuki Bakugou's Younger Sister

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-When you first got your period he panicked because all he saw was you groaning in pain in your room. He only found out when his mom gave him a list of things to get from the store. Chocolate and pads

-At the USJ attack you worried about your brother but when he told you that all the villains were weaklings you were amazed with him.

-Honestly to your brother is the coolest person ever

-At the sports festival you cried to your mom about your brother being in restraints but you were really happy when he won 1st place. "YAYYYYYY!!!!! THAT'S MY BROTHER #1"

-When he got kidnapped you were in your room and wouldn't get out so when Momo, Kirishima, Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki came by and told you they were gonna rescue them you were overjoyed "R-really?" "yeah" "Thank you!"

-He dressed you up in a shirt that was similar to his hero costume and a black skirt once you wer absolutely adorable!

-He was so overprotective you the last boy you talked to was Midoriya and Katsuki was still threatening him (more than usual)

-When you walked it was because your brother wouldn't play with you otherwise. Your fist words were when your brother got his quirk "Boom!"

- You met Eri to comfort her. You guys played dress up and talked about how cool your favorite heroes were "Ground Zero is so cool and he's my big brother!" "Yeah Lemillion and Deku are so cool!" Deku and Lemillion were in tears. Katsuki was just proud of himself and his sister. Class 1-A were gushing over how wholesome it was as well as their teachers. Aizawa smiled at the interaction.

-When you first met Kota it was so he could visit Deku and your brother had to babysit you. Katsuki only let you around him because he wanted you to interact with kids your age. But you thought Kota was rude after he called you the pomeranians' sister. So you kicked him. And that started a fight. In front of the adults Katsuki scolded you and the heroes scolded Kota. But when the heroes left, Class 1-A saw you and Katsuki leave to go get ice cream to celebrate. When you came back Iida was scolding your brother about celebrating a fight. So you kicked Iida too except you used your high kick and hit him where the sun don't shine.

-When you, Eri and Kota grew up you went to U.A together. You still had a bit of blood lust for Kota but you got over it and became frenemies. You tried so hard to get them together. When they told you they were dating you yelled at them "FUCKING FINALLY JEEZ YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO GET A TSUNDERE AND AN INNOCENT TEEN TOGETHER GOD! Now is it Keri or you know what I like Keri" They shipped you with Todoroki's twin daughters.(Yes both of them at the same time)

-When you saw the Hero Too concert Katsuki was so cool. So when you saw him and asked if you could sing it with him. You are a badass singer.

-"Hey (Whoever you ship Katsuki with)! Your dating Katsuki right!?" "W-what!?" "OI y/n WHHAT THE HELL!?" "So you aren't?" "n-no!/NO!"

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